Last Monday, when Taylor Hatmaker arrived at the ReadWrite offices for our staff retreat, everyone was very happy to see her. Some of us had never met her in person, so it was truly a historic day.
But we would be lying that we didn’t have ulterior motives in finally meeting our very cool colleague … word had been out all morning that current Google Glass Explorers were being given three invitations to let more people into the program. Truly there was sucking up to be done.
But our leader Owen Thomas had a better idea: Hatmaker could donate one of her invitations to ReadWrite and have her find a suitable candidate for the invitation. She agreed, and here we are.
Starting today, ReadWrite readers can submit their best idea for a Google Glass app or service. Our criteria is simple: it should be ideas that effect positive social change and utilizes the best features of Glass. Give us a 100-word or less proposal with the #rwglass hashtag on this Google+ thread by Thursday, November 8 at noon, Pacific Standard Time about your idea. Our panel will judge the best entry and notify the winner that they have received an invitation to the Google Glass Explorer program.
There are some additional rules. According to the Glass Explorer program, all Glass Explorers must:
- Be a U.S. resident
- Be 18 years or older
- Purchase Glass (which is, currently, US$1500)
- Provide a U.S.-based shipping address OR pick up the device in New York, San Francisco or Los Angeles.
Be sure you meet that criteria, especially the part where you will be financially responsible for buying Google Glass. If you do, feel free to enter the contest and tell us how you can make the world a better place with your Glassware app.