Home Perfect Dark – Release date speculation, trailers, platforms, and everything we know

Perfect Dark – Release date speculation, trailers, platforms, and everything we know

A new Perfect Dark has been on the cards for some time now, with the original releasing almost 25 years ago.

Thankfully, Xbox has answered fan’s prayers and the aptly named Perfect Dark (confusing, I know) is a full reboot of the series, bringing it into today’s modern era.

So you can brush up on your knowledge of the game and more, we’ll detail what we know on the Perfect Dark release date, trailers, platforms, and more, so you can get ahead of the rest.

Is there a Perfect Dark release date?

Unfortunately, even though the game has been in development for what seems like forever, there is no Perfect Dark release date.

There hasn’t even been a release window announced by Xbox which is somewhat surprising since we have been aware of the title for a number of years.

What we anticipate though is that based on the trailers, which we’ll talk about shortly, is that Perfect Dark will launch in 2026 – a whopping 6 years since the initial reveal.

The reason why we think this is that in the most recent Xbox Games Showcase, most of the games shown were 2025 releases, and had that year attached to them as a window. Perfect Dark, however, just cut to black – no date to be found – and since we actually saw some footage of the game, it’s likely 2026 is the target here.

Perfect Dark trailers

There have been two trailers released for Perfect Dark – the announcement, and a gameplay reveal.

The announcement trailer, as you would expect, was just a cinematic look at the world of Perfect Dark.

It showed off the futuristic look and feel of the game alongside the tone of the story to come with a sweeping, drone-like camera, in one continuous motion.

The gameplay trailer however gave us our first sneak peek as to what we can expect the in-game visuals to look like as well as some stealthy moves from Joanna Dark.

There were also some of the gadgets shown that you’ll be able to utilize against the enemy, allowing you to bypass any combat, and make it into hidden areas.

Considering there is no release date attached to the game, the gameplay in the trailer did look pretty polished which is promising for fans eager to get their hands on the title.

Perfect Dark platforms

There have been no statements made by Xbox as to what platforms the game will release on. But, since our estimation that Perfect Dark won’t be releasing until 2026, it is likely that it will be an Xbox Series X|S and PC title.

Even though Xbox are leaning towards letting their games be on PlayStation too, we don’t believe we’ll see that for Perfect Dark on launch, or at all for that matter.

Is Perfect Dark on Game Pass?

Like other details on Perfect Dark, there is no official confirmation that the title will be on Game Pass. However, it is a very safe bet that it will make it onto the service, likely day one.

This is because Perfect Dark is being made by The Initiave and Crystal Dynamics, with the former being an Xbox Games Studios developer, and when anything is created by an internal Xbox studio, it is going to be on Game Pass when it launches.

Who is the Joanna Dark voice actor in Perfect Dark?

A shot from behind Joanna Dark in Perfect Dark

Since Joanna Dark will be making a return for the reboot of the franchise, who will be voicing her this time around?

Well, even though Xbox didn’t come out and reveal the name, the actress herself has told the world instead.

Alix Wilton Regan will be taking up the role as Joanna Dark, an actress that has appeared in other video games such as Assassin’s Creed: Origins and Dragon Age: Inquisition.

If you played the original Perfect Dark, or even Perfect Dark Zero, you’ll be aware that Regan isn’t the original voice for Dark but if you watched the gameplay reveal, you can already tell she suits the role extremely well.

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Jacob Woodward
Gaming Journalist

Jacob has been a life-long gamer and tech enthusiast ever since the original Game Boy was placed in his hands at an early age. Due to his passion for the field, writing talent, and a keen eye for SEO, he transitioned from digital marketing into games journalism in 2019. Starting initially as a writer, he rose quickly, becoming not only an Editor but also Interim Managing Editor within the space of 2 years. He has worked with gaming media publications such as GGRecon, The Loadout, Retro Dodo, Insider Gaming, Gfinity, Stealth Optional, Retro Recall, and many more, making him an…

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