Home Move over Civ 7 – New city builder concentrates on building one famous European city over the course of 2,000 years

Move over Civ 7 – New city builder concentrates on building one famous European city over the course of 2,000 years

The hype for next year’s Civilization VII is real, but here at Readwrite Gaming we still need a city-based strategy game to tide us over until February and that’s where the cutely named Paris in 2000 Years may just come in.

Eschewing the tradition of building multiple cities, or cities that only exist in the image, Paris in 2000 years starts you off in the Gallo-Roman age of the famous French capital and charges players with the task of constantly upgrading and updating this beautiful location as time passes by.

Progression in the game will bring new, famous landmark unlocks such as Notre Dame and the Palace of Louvre.

The game covers three major historical eras: Gallo-Roman, Medieval, and Renaissance. As the city grows in each era, you will unlock main milestones and get landmark buildings as rewards. Such as the Great Baths in the Roman era, Notre Dame Cathedral in the Medieval period, and the Louvre in the Renaissance.

At this stage, the game does not go up to more modern times, so there is no Eiffel Tower for you although the dev, Windforce says, “After the game is released, I will continue to update it, and all updates or DLCs will be free. Besides fixing bugs and optimizing the program, the first major update will add a new era with new buildings and mechanics.”

Completing Historical Quests will provide more building tools and these upgrades will not only change the look of the buildings over time but also bring other benefits.

Interestingly there is also a graphical option where you can apply a filter to turn the graphics into a watercolor or even a sketch style so you can look at your city through the eyes of many a Parisian artist over the years.

Priced at just £8.50 on Steam, Paris in 2000 years currently has a launch discount bringing it down to £7.22 until September 5th.

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Paul McNally
Gaming Editor

Paul McNally has been around consoles and computers since his parents bought him a Mattel Intellivision in 1980. He has been a prominent games journalist since the 1990s, spending over a decade as editor of popular print-based video games and computer magazines, including a market-leading PlayStation title published by IDG Media. Having spent time as Head of Communications at a professional sports club and working for high-profile charities such as the National Literacy Trust, he returned as Managing Editor in charge of large US-based technology websites in 2020. Paul has written high-end gaming content for GamePro, Official Australian PlayStation Magazine,…

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