Results for "marketing strategy"

We found 1640 results for your search.
  • Mobile
    Why AT&T and Verizon May Love Windows Phone – But Can’t Live Without the iPhone

    AT&T and Verizon Wireless, the nation’s two largest wireless carriers, intend to market the heck out of Microsoft Windows Phone to prevent Apple from gaining a stranglehold on the U.S. smartphone market. But the strategy has many pitfalls, including the fact that the carriers still can’t afford to live without...

  • Work
    An Insider’s Guide to Technology Analysts

    Gartner. Forrester. IDC. And lots of smaller fish, too. You can't read a tech-industy news story, attend a conference or listen to a sales pitch without someone quoting an industry analyst. For tech companies, analysts are big news and big business, promising to help with transformation, monetization and a slew...

  • Web
    What Do Angels Want?

    What entrepreneur hasn't dreamed that our startup will experience the same magical beginnings as Google? In 1998, before they even incorporated, Google founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page were trying to present their concept to early-stage, or "angel" investors, with limited success. Sun Microsystems co-founder Andy Bechtolsheim was one such...

  • Social
    5 Things the Experts Say You Need to Know About the Facebook-Instagram Merger

    Depending on which hastily pasted-together analysis you believe, Facebook's $1 billion acquisition Monday is reason enough to close your Instagram account, and Facebook is going to ruin Instagram. We're not buying it, so instead we spent Monday interviewing a dozen experts for their thoughts and opinions on the deal.All agreed...

  • Web
    SEO DIY: Optimize Your Startup’s Website Yourself

    Anyone who pays attention to the world of search engine optimization knows that maximizing your company's search results on Google and other search engines is not something you can do with a quick pin here and a hasty status update there. It's a full-time job.But if you're working to build...

  • Work
    How to Create Your Own Social Media Playbook

    If you are trying to plan out your enterprise's social media activities, it helps to have a playbook. Several companies have produced such a document, ranging from a few pages to more extensive tomes, and I wanted to give you some tips to preparing your own, as well as talk...

  • Mobile
    Mobile Game Developers Reconcile Monetization: In-Apps or Ads?

    Mobile game developers are some of the leaders in app development. They push the bounds of what devices can do, how to implement constructive user experiences and handle privacy situations. By studying mobile game developers, one can see the macro environment of the mobile app ecosystem at large. Yet, when...

  • Web
    Gini Dietrich’s 6 Biggest Startup PR Mistakes

    Did you hear about the "green" startup that touted how environmentally conscious it was by sending reporters five identical copies of its press kit, each one filled with nonrecyclable package "popcorn" and a small forest's worth of paper? Needless to say, the startup didn't get any press coverage.In the era...

  • Mobile
    How a Google Nexus Tablet Wins in a Crowded Market

    The natural inclination of the tech punditry upon hearing that Google is going to sell a tablet through its own online store is to say, "This is going to be a disaster; didn't it learn anything with the original Nexus debacle?" This is the wrong conclusion. While we are still...

  • Mobile
    In 2011, a Billion Smart Devices and Counting

    There are nearly 7 billion people in the world. In 2011, a smart device - be it a tablet, smartphone or a PC - was sold for one out of every seven of those people, according to estimates from International Data Corp. The research firm reports that about 946 million...

  • Social
    Keep Your Facebook Friends Close and Your Facebook Enemies Closer

    The adage says: "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer." And that's exactly what the creators of EnemyGraph had in mind. It's an application that allows users to list their "enemies," whether these are ideological enemies of your mind, Facebook friends, pages or even groups. Hate a politician? Name...

  • Work
    Has the New iPad Already Killed Windows 8’s Buzz?

    Assume for a moment that you don't own an iPad. Which device do you want more: a new, multitouch-endowed Windows 8 notebook computer, or a new iPad with the vastly improved resolution? Okay, so the latter is available now and the former is not. But if you have already acquired...

  • Social
    Companies Unsure How to Drive Users to Twitter Brand Pages

    Eloqua's Vice President of Content Marketing, Joe Chernov said the company is investing in Twitter advertising, but not for the reasons you may think."It puts us in a position to be invited into beta programs such as the new homepage. Our strategy is: get closer to Twitter," Chernov said in...

  • Mobile
    PayPal’s Astonishing Arrogance

    Everybody that follows the payments industry knows that there is a massive albatross that hovers over every innovation that comes to the market: PayPal. In its mind, there is no realm of payments that PayPal cannot conquer and control. The company chafes when other payment innovations, like Square or the...

  • Mobile
    Boston’s Mobile Mafia: Why Facebook Should Have Stayed in New England

    In Boston, the startup community, venture capitalists and state government all rue the day they let Facebook leave the city and move to San Francisco. Who could have known at the time that the social platform would one day have 850 million monthly active users and be headed towards one...

  • Social
    Why Facebook Ads Are Like Pop Art

    Facebook is about liking things. And so is pop art. The two should really get to know each other. The experience of logging onto Facebook is like no other - it is like feeling one's way through a black hole of non-linear time and space, plunging through other peoples' memories...

  • Work
    Security Appliance Maker SonicWall to Be Absorbed by Dell

    In recent months, we've seen Dell Computer take incremental steps in the server appliance field, most recently through acquisitions. KACE management appliances have paid off well so far, for a company that has desperately needed to reassert itself in the data center where its servers once ruled.This morning, Dell is...

  • Social
    Experts Weigh In On What Facebook Premium Means For Users, Advertisers

    The premium advertising platform Facebook launched last week, which includes an increased emphasis on mobile, is getting mixed reviews from industry professionals."Bottom-line- this is gonna fail because People don't want to recommend an ad," said Natalie L. Petouhoff, a former senior analyst at Forrester Research. "They want to recommend a...

  • Hack
    Big Data, Trust, and Reliability: Can Microsoft Still Play a Role?

    The freedom of data from the constraints of single volumes and its expansion to Web-wide scale is no longer a trend. It is an event which, for many companies, has already happened. The result is a completely new landscape, which appears to have taken Microsoft by surprise.This week at the...

  • Social
    Company Reactions to Facebook Timeline for Brands

    This morning Facebook launched Timeline For Brands, which will give brand pages the same look, feel and functionality as the personal page Timelines the social network has been rolling out since September.We spent the morning asking more than two dozen brands for their initial reactions to Timeline, how they planned...

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