Results for "Apple"

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  • Web
    CES 2006: Web Companies and Internet-connected Gadgets Poised For Action

    This week will be awash with coverage from the CES 2006 show in Las Vegas (International Consumer Electronics Show). I'll be quaffing down any interesting news about Web-based media and gadgets, along with feasting on my staple Internet bigco diet of Yahoo, Google, Microsoft, Apple. Bill Gates (MS), Terry Semel...

  • Web
    LA Times Goes Ape With Media Industry Predictions

    Looking at the media year ahead, the LA Times christens Google the new 800-pound gorilla - and also the Big Bad Wolf - of the media business. It's an extraordinary article that predicts mega-billion dollar wheeling and dealing in the media industry in 2006. Here are some highlights relating to...

  • Web
    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 3 – 9 Dec 2005

    Here's the Top Ten Web 2.0 memes, issues or news stories of the past week, as judged by me.1. Lightnet: open up your media, the Lightnet revolution is here. Lucas Gonze is leading the charge of the lightnet brigade: "The strength of lightnet is that everybody who's not a media...

  • Mobile
    Intersection of Mobile and Web 2.0

    A couple of weeks ago Charlie Schick posted about the lack of mobile-focused bloggers in the Web 2.0 Workgroup. Charlie wrote:"...from the list, I, of course, did not see a person focusing on mobility. I'm not surprised. Mobile might not need a special focus, but it sure should be part...

  • Web
    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 26 Nov – 2 Dec 2005

    Note: The Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-Up is back with a new publishing day (Fri) and a new format, a countdown of the Top Ten Web 2.0 issues or news stories of the past week. Also I'm on the lookout for a new sponsor for the Weekly Wrap-Up. It's had 3...

  • Web
    Ben Crunches the Web 2.0 Numbers

    The Hard Man of 2.0, Ben Barren, takes out his nutcracker and starts crunching the numbers of Internet companies. Wielding financial methodologies, Ben intends to get some REAL analysis happening in the hot-air-o-sphere. Things like profit, revenue and unique user multiples relative to market cap. Not for the faint-hearted then.Ben's...

  • Web
    Who are the Big Internet Companies in 2005?

    Dave Winer points to my post about Portals 2.0 and questions if there are really only 3 powerful Internet companies:"Richard MacManus talks about The Big 3, and there is a trend to think about three companies -- Google, Microsoft and Yahoo -- as the leaders in online. But I don't...

  • Web
    Microsoft Leaked Docs + Ballmer on Xbox and TV business

    Dave Winer has published a leaked email from Bill Gates and memo from Ray Ozzie. This comes from a source within Microsoft, who Dave Winer won't name.In Gates' email, he outlines Microsoft's high level vision for Internet services:"The broad and rich foundation of the internet will unleash a "services wave"...

  • Web
    Microsoft Livens Up Web 2.0

    Summary: My Day 1 impressions of Windows/Office Live are positive and I think Microsoft is taking up the challenge of an increasingly Web-based software world, while at the same time sticking to their desktop software knitting. I'm particularly intrigued by the Xbox 360 relationship and I think we'll see a...

  • Web
    Branding in the Dot Oh era

    I'm really hoping this 'Dot Oh' term takes off - kind of like Dot Com, ay? :-) Anyway, Paul Scrivens has written a great post on the value of branding in the Web 2.0 world. Scrivs wrote:"A major problem with this phase of the web that many people seem to...

  • Web
    Web 2.0 companies eclipsing 1.0 companies

    Microsoft Emerging Business Team member Don Dodge has another thought-provoking post on Internet business. Don notes how so many innovative companies who were market leaders in the 90's have been overtaken by the new era of "fast followers". Here's his list of examples:* AltaVista -> Google * Napster -> iTunes...

  • Web
    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 10-16 Oct 2005

    This week: Geeks being creative, Yahoo! RSS research, Reading Lists, Making money with Mash-Ups, Techie Post of the Week - Dave Winer on Nerd TVsponsored by:Geeks being creativeI'm now back in my home of New Zealand, after spending two fantastic weeks in Silicon Valley. As I look back on my...

  • Web
    Web 2.0 Conference: Ad Models: A New Approach to Marketing?

    Real-time blogging going on here... Jeff Jarvis, President & Creative Director, Dick Costolo, CEO, Feedburner Matt Cutts, Software Engineer, Google Chas Edwards, Vice President, Sales & Market Development, Federated Media Publishing Brian McAndrews, President and CEO, aQuantive Mark Pincus, Founder, Time: 11:15am - 12:30pmpowerpoint about Distributed advertising Intro by...

  • Web
    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 18-24 July 2005

    sponsored by:Onfolio is offering R/WW readers a coupon code entitling the bearer to $30 off a purchase of Onfolio Professional before August 31st (a 30% saving off the normal $99.95 price). To use the coupon, enter it at the time of purchase. Coupon Code: RM857202This week: Thoughts on what News...

  • Web
    Morning Coffee Notes – Converse with us

    Good, Dave Winer has returned to text format (at least for today) for his morning coffee notes. That means I can link to it. He wrote this morning:"Every company, not just tech companies, needs to have a presence in the blogging world, someone whose feet are planted both in the...

  • Web
    AOL the sleeping giant of RSS?

    Jupitermedia analyst David Card thinks AOL is preparing for a big fattie splash into the RSS pool. He says:1. The new version of MyAOL is "essentially an RSS reader", albeit not as slick as how Apple does RSS in its Safari browser.2. "AOL has a deal with Feedster to provide...

  • Web
    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 9-15 January 2005

    Time for a look back at the week that was in Web 2.0. In no particular order...1. Gizmodo's 4-part interview with Bill Gates ended with Bill insisting that DRM is a good thing because it protects your medical records (or something like that). In part one of the interview, Gates...

  • Web
    More Thoughts on RSS Aggregator Market Share quoted me in their article entitled Benchmark For RSS Client Market Share?, a news story covering Feedburner's RSS Aggregator stats. It's the first time I've been used in the media as a source, so I'm quite chuffed. They didn't contact me, just quoted from my blog - which is...

  • Web
    Feedburner’s RSS Aggregator Market Share stats

    Great news! Prompted by my December post about RSS Reader Market Share, Feedburner (the company I selected as the most promising Web 2.0 company of 2004/5) has just released their own RSS Aggregator stats. This is exactly what I asked for, because statistically the Feedburner data is much much bigger...

  • Web
    Tim O’Reilly Interview, Part 1: Web 2.0

    Welcome to the second in my series of Web 2.0 interviews, in which I interview people in the Web community who are building or shaping Web 2.0 - i.e. the Web as Platform. And who better to talk to than the person who organized the hugely successful Web 2.0 conference...

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