Results for "Apple"

We found 8607 results for your search.
  • Web
    CBS Expands Its Audience Network

    As we reported, CBS' new online strategy is to court web 2.0 sites and allow their content to spread virally across social media sites. The CBS Audience Network initiative already includes deals with AOL, Microsoft, CNET Networks, Comcast, Joost, Bebo, Brightcove, Netvibes, Sling Media, Veoh, and Amazon, Apple and Yahoo....

  • Web
    Flickr: Strong On Content & Community, But Commerce Needs Work

    Editor's note: Sramana Mitra is currently running a series on her blog reviewing the photo sharing industry. In this Read/WriteWeb post, she looks at Flickr's offering using her Web 3.0 framework. Before I get to my analysis, here is a quick overview of Flickr's history and its current position. Caterina...

  • Entertainment
    EMI Acquired For US$6B – Digital and Online Strategy to “Accelerate”

    The BBC reports that EMI Group has agreed to be bought by private equity firm Terra Firma for £3.2bn including debt, which is around US$6.3B. The deal isn't confirmed yet, because it is subject to shareholder approval. As BBC noted, EMI's sales have been in decline of late - the...

  • Web
    Get Your Own Theme at Method Music

    If you're a "Family Guy" fan like me, you might remember the episode where Peter finds a genie in a lamp and wishes for his own theme music. Well, a new website backed by the legendary frontman of the rock group "The Who", Pete Townshend, aims to instantly compose original...

  • Web
    Amazon to Offer DRM-free MP3 Downloads

    Amazonannounced today that they will begin selling DRM-free MP3 music downloads from over 12,000 labels, the largest being EMI. EMI, of course, was the first major record label to sell music without DRM via Apple's iTunes store earlier this month."Our MP3-only strategy means all the music that customers buy on...

  • Web
    Report: Paid Video Download Is A ‘Dead End’

    A new study from Forrester Research predicts that online video download services will see sales peak this year, as consumers move other sources of online video. Read/WriteWeb reported yesterday that CBS is increasingly releasing content for free or via ad-supported mediums such as, Joost. Further, consumers are confronted with a...

  • Web
    Understanding Apollo

    During my recent visit to the US, I popped into the Adobe office in San Francisco to find out more about Apollo - the company's new RIA (Rich Internet Application) runtime and development platform. I sat down with Mike Chambers - Apollo Senior Product Manager, developer relations - to figure...

  • Web
    The Art of Chart – Bringing Wall Street Ideas to the Masses

    In this post we analyze how web 2.0 companies are bringing price trending tools, traditionally found on Wall St, to the masses. We take a look at these latest consumer internet innovations, and try to understand if they are useful and if they can succeed. The companies reviewed in this...

  • Web
    On Mozilla and The Evolution of the Browser

    Interesting posts recently from two people who have an important role in defining the future of the browser. Firstly, I missed it while I was in transit in the US, but Mozilla developer Alex Faaborg posted the slides of his presentation at the recent Web 2.0 Expo. They are fascinating...

  • Web
    Video Podcasting Comes of Age with ON Networks

    Valleywag recently declared podcasting dead (or at least conceded the battle to Apple). But iPod's play video, remember, and video podcasting (or vidcasting, or vlogging -- pick your favorite term) is alive and well, and still a wide open space. Mostly when we think of online video, however, we think...

  • Web
    Thunderbird 2.0 To Launch This Week – Interview with Scott MacGregor, Lead Engineer

    By the end of this week, the Thunderbird 2.0 Release Candidate will be launched. Thunderbird is Mozilla's open source desktop email client, similar to Microsoft Outlook in features. However with the 2.0 release, Thunderbird takes on more Web functionality from the Firefox browser (more on that below). Thunderbird is cross-platform...

  • Web
    The Future of RSS

    There is little doubt that RSS is a disruptive, game-changing technology. The so called Really Simple Syndication (previously also called Rich Site Summary and RDF Site Summary), has powered a fundamentally new way to deliver and consume web content. Before RSS, users had to visit individual web sites to find...

  • Web
    Peepel: New Web Office Suite today announced the Beta launch of its Online Office Suite, entering a competitive market alongside existing vendors like Zoho, ThinkFree, Zimbra - not to mention Google's growing Web Office suite. Peepel claims to differentiate itself by being "the only competitor offering a true multiple windows system in an online...

  • Web
    EMI Music DRM-free: What It Means For The Online Music Industry

    The big news today is that EMI Music announced a new higher quality DRM-free music download offering. It is a premium service, covering EMI's entire digital catalogue, and will enable full interoperability of digital music across all devices and platforms. Steve Jobs of Apple was there at the announcement, to...

  • Web
    Winner of ETech Caption Contest

    We had a great response to the ETech Caption Contest, with the winner receiving a free ticket to O'Reilly's Emerging Technology conference next week - March 26-29, in San Diego. And the winner is... [drum roll] Kevin Jones, with this caption:"You navigated through Vista's new security and accessed MySpace! Good...

  • Mobile
    Exclusive: Yahoo oneSearch Launches on US Mobile Web

    On Tuesday Yahoo will significantly expand the reach of their new mobile search product, Yahoo! oneSearch, by making it the default mobile Yahoo homepage at for US users. In effect this brings oneSearch, which Yahoo launched in January 2007, to the Mobile Web masses. The US masses anyway -...

  • Web
    Netvibes Launches “Coriander Edition” – a SUPER Personalized Homepage

    Netvibes, one of the leading 'personalized homepage' products on the market, today officially released its new version - nicknamed the "Coriander Edition". This edition has been under discussion for the past month on the Netvibes blog, but today it is being officially launched. Incidentally Netvibes is now using the term...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 12-16 March 2007

    Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on Read/WriteWeb.Analysis PostsGoogle InterviewThis week Read/WriteWeb finally got an interview with Google, something I've been wanting for a long time. Matt Cutts, head of Google's web spam operations, talked to me on the topic of next-generation search. Unfortunately I published...

  • Web
    Amazon’s Series of Fortunate Events

    Way back when I was in high school I found myself in a high school science class. It was your typical experience, replete with bunsen burners, saftey goggles and a science teacher named Norbert. But one day Norbert had an inspriation - he let the class watch a video of...

  • Web
    Internet Killed The Television Star: Reviews of Joost, Babelgum, Zattoo, and More

    Television is big business. No, let's not understate it: television is very big business. The global broadcast and cable television industry generates billions of dollars worldwide annually from subscription, equipment, advertising, and service fees; and is dominated by huge media conglomerates like General Electric, Viacom, News Corp., and Disney. The...

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