Results for "Apple"

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  • Mobile
    Boom! iPhone Rocks Tech World

    At the Steve Jobs keynote speech at Macworld this morning PST, he announced "three revolutionary new products". An iPod, a phone, an internet mobile communicator. But turns out it's all one device: the fabled iPhone!We'll have extended analysis about this later today, but for now let's review the news. Here's...

  • Web
    R/WW Coverage of Macworld and CES

    It's going to be a big week of tech news, as Apple's Macworld conference and expo in San Francisco goes head-to-head with the 40th annual CES (Consumer Electronics Association) show in Las Vegas. Both conferences kick off Monday 8 January and there will be no shortage of blogs and other...

  • Web
    Best Web Bigco of 2006: Google

    This is the third annual Best Web Companies round-up from Read/WriteWeb (see 2005 and 2004). This year we're spreading it out over 2 separate posts. In this post, we announce Best Bigco and the runners-up - with our special brand of analysis too. In our next post, we'll announce Best...

  • Web
    2007 Web Predictions

    Written by Richard MacManus, Ebrahim Ezzy, Emre Sokullu, Alex Iskold and Rudy De Waele. Also John Milan wanted to contribute, but unfortunately got caught up in the Seattle storm - so best wishes to John and all our Seattle readers.In our previous post we reviewed the Web trends of 2006,...

  • Web
    Looking for Submissions: Best Web Companies and Innovators of 2006

    Next week we'll publish Read/WriteWeb's annual Best Web Companies and Innovators post. Also coming next week is the 2007 Web Trends post (I'd hoped to do it this week, but it's now Saturday where I live and I'm exhausted!). Anyway I'd like to tap the minds of the R/WW community...

  • Web
    2006 Web Technology Trends

    It's December already and so it's about that time to reflect on what has happened in Web Technology during 2006 - and ponder what 2007 may bring. Over the next few weeks Read/WriteWeb is going to publish some in-depth posts analyzing the trends and new products we've seen in 2006,...

  • Mobile
    Understanding Mobile 2.0

    Written by Rudy De Waele of and edited by Richard MacManus. This kicks off a mini-series of posts on the topic of Mobile 2.0, which we will explore on R/WW this week. On the eve of Le Web 3 in Paris - and one month after the Web 2.0...

  • Web
    Hakia – First Meaning-based Search Engine

    Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManus. There has been a lot of talk lately about 2007 being the year when we will see companies roll out Semantic Web technologies. The wave started with John Markoff's article in NY Times and got picked up by Dan Farber of...

  • Web
    Changing Climates for Microsoft and Google, Desktops and Webs

    Written by John Milan and edited by Richard MacManus. This is the first in a two-part series. Update:Part 2 is now available. The most insidious thing about global warming is that it's everywhere, but not right in front of you. And really, it has more to do with things disappearing...

  • Web
    Second Tier PPC Search Advertising – Growing, But Dogged by Click Fraud Concerns is one of a large group of so-called "second tier" PPC (Pay-Per-Click) search advertising networks - others include Kanoodle, InfoSeek, and Looksmart. SearchEngineWatch lists some more on this page (nb: it's 3 years old, but I couldn't find a more up-to-date list). The first tier services are Google AdWords...

  • Web
    Demand Media aims to Capitalize on Web Content

    Bambi Francisco from MarketWatch has an interesting interview with Richard Rosenblatt of Demand Media. Rosenblatt was chairman of MySpace at the time it was sold to News Corp and it appears as if he's aiming just as big with Demand Media. According to MarketWatch:"Rosenblatt has raised more than $200 million...

  • Web What differentiates it from Google?

    During the Web 2.0 Summit, I got a chance to sit down with the team at and find out more about their search engine. This was straight after a Summit session entitled 'Disruption Opportunity: Beating Google at Their Own Game' - in which Ask CEO Jim Lanzone and Senior...

  • Web
    Mary Meeker: The State of the Internet, Part 3

    Read/WriteWeb's Web 2.0 Summit coverage sponsored by Yahoo!At last year's Web 2.0 Conference, Mary Meeker of MorganStanley outlined how mobile and Asia were set for big growth. At this year's Summit, Meeker focused on video and monetizing that. Mary speaks at a million miles per hour and data points go...

  • Web
    Tamago: The Only P2P eCommerce Market

    Tamago recently launched a peer-to-peer commerce system that enables people to sell digital media directly to customers. It's designed for semi-professional and amateur people who publish music, videos, photos, e-books, etc. to earn royalties whenever their creative content is downloaded. Meanwhile the buyers can also earn commissions, for distributing media...

  • Web
    Web Browser Faceoff

    Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManus.The last few weeks have been packed with browser action and the two market leaders, Internet Explorer and Firefox, have launched major new versions. So to round out our recent browser coverage, we present the Web Browser Faceoff - looking at how...

  • Web
    freenigma: Encryption For Web-Based E-mail

    freenigma is a Firefox plug-in that offers e-mail encryption to a whole range of Web email systems - including Gmail, Yahoo!Mail and Hotmail/MSN. It is a product of Germany-based freenigma came out of public beta at the end of September and is now open to all - but you...

  • Web
    Pageflakes 2.0 Launches

    Disclosure: Pageflakes is a sponsor of Read/WriteWeb. It's the season of v2.0 launches! The personalized start page Pageflakes has undergone a major upgrade to its interface, which has just gone live today. Back in May I posted about Pageflakes' page publishing feature, which enables users to share their pages with...

  • Web
    (RED) Web

    The Product (RED) campaign is sweeping the world, thanks to some heavyweight backing from celebrities (Oprah, Bono) and brand names (Apple, American Express, Armani). It's a great cause, because for each (RED) branded product or service sold, a part of the profit goes to the fight against AIDS, Tuberculosis and...

  • Web
    The Marriage of Social and Business Applications

    Written by Guest Blogger John Milan and edited by Richard MacManus. John is Senior Software Architect and founder of TeamDirection, one of the companies mentioned in this post.What amount of time is the right amount of time for two people to tie the knot? Three months? Two years? One decade?...

  • Social
    In Search Of The Valley: DVD movie released today

    A new documentary on Silicon Valley premieres today on DVD. It was directed by my friend Steve O'Hear, who I met over the Web earlier this year and now work with on my corporate blogging project called Micro Media Corp. 'In Search of the Valley' is a movie which tells...

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