Results for "Apple"

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  • Web
    Read/WriteWeb Weekly Highlights

    In case your RSS Reader got the better of you over the working week, here's a snapshot of last week's Read/WriteWeb posts. The big web tech stories were Times Reader, Zune, Yahoo Mail Beta, iTV. Here are summaries of all our posts this week:New York Times Reader Launches - NY...

  • Web
    Zune – Social Networking Differentiates It From iPod

    Microsoft has released details of its upcoming Zune product, an iPod-like device that is squarely aimed at challenging Apple's dominance of the online music market. TechCrunch, Engadget and PaidContent have all the details, so I just want to focus on a couple of interesting Internet features of Zune.1) Zune will...

  • Web
    VCs on Web Technology: Judy Gibbons from Accel

    This is the start of a new interview series on Read/WriteWeb, about venture capitalists (VCs) and their thoughts on 'next generation web'. The aim is to find out what Web technology trends and products VCs are tracking - and at the same time provide some expert tips and advice for...

  • Web
    ZapTXT: promising RSS topic subscription service

    With the messy demise of PubSub, I've been looking for a decent keyword and topic subscription service to replace it. ZapTXT could very well meet my requirements, except for the odd fact that it doesn't output in RSS (more on that below). You can currently only receive alerts as an...

  • Social
    Social Software dominates the tech news

    This week there has been a slew of news about social networks and big companies ramping up their social software features. Here's a quick summary of the latest news and some thoughts below.Apple Making Huge Social Software Push - Josh Porter digs into Apple releases to find a Wiki Server,...

  • Web
    e-learning 2.0 – how Web technologies are shaping education

    Written by Steve O'Hear and edited by Richard MacManus. This is a two-part series in which Steve will explore how Web technologies are being used in education. In Part 2 he will profile Elgg, social network software for education, and interview its founders. Much has been written on Read/WriteWeb (and...

  • Web
    Skyrider and The Future Of P2P

    In my search for innovative web and Internet applications, I noted the buzz around new P2P company Skyrider at the end of last week. While it's hard to say whether Skyrider is truly innovative, seeing as they don't actually have a product on the market yet (it's due "in the...

  • Web
    World of Widgets: Google

    Widgets (aka gadgets, modules) are mini web apps that you can plug in to a webpage or site such as MySpace, or a personalized start page like Netvibes or Widgets are becoming more and more important on the Web, so I thought I'd spend a few posts looking more...

  • Entertainment
    RealNetworks lays down gauntlet to Microsoft’s Zune

    RealNetworks had their Q2 2006 Earnings Conference Call on Thursday evening (PST) and the transcript from SeekingAlpha makes for interesting reading. The two main points that came out of it, from a product and market perspective, is that 1) RealNetworks is exhibiting very strong growth in the gaming market; and...

  • Web
    The Ray Ozzie Experience

    The text of Microsoft chief software architect Ray Ozzie's speech at Thursday's Microsoft Financial Analyst Meeting 2006, makes compelling reading. To me it sums up why we've moved far beyond the Web 2.0 trend and into something much deeper and richer. Web innovation, which is primarily what my blog explores,...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up, 17-21 July 2006

    Long-time readers of Read/WriteWeb may recall that I used to do a weekly summary of the top stories of the week, called the Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up. It ran all through 2005 and for a long time was the most popular feature on R/WW. I decided to put it to...

  • Web
    Digg stats analysis is not only a thriving community and great source for news, it's also an increasingly influential website for bloggers and website owners. It can be a heavy driver of revenue-generating traffic and can also help make your website viral (= popular). Given its growing importance then, I thought I'd...

  • Entertainment
    Rhapsody Web Services Expands – Interview and Profile

    RealNetworks is announcing today an enhanced set of Rhapsody Web services APIs and RSS feeds, along with a 3-month competition aimed at getting developers to build on their platform. Rhapsody is one of the biggest music subscription services on the Web. It has over 2 million tracks in its library,...

  • Web
    Engaged Markets workshop: small companies competing against bigcos

    This workshop, moderated by Tara Hunt, split into 4 different groups for discussions. This format worked well and the group I joined, about little companies competing against big companies (Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, etc) was an interesting one. The premise: you're a startup launching a product, but just as this happens...

  • Web
    Joel Spolsky’s Blue Chip Products

    Today I had the pleasure of attending a web conference in my own hometown, Wellington. The conference is the fantastically named Webstock, a two-day show finishing tomorrow. The Webstock organizers managed to secure some great talent from the other side of the world - including Joel Spolsky, Doug Bowman, Dori...

  • Web
    Microsoft acquisitions and product strategies

    The Microsoft VC Summit 2006 happened a week or two ago, but I've only just had a chance to review the posts that came out of it. If you're interested in where Microsoft is headed with its product range and general Web strategy, there are some nuggets in the coverage....

  • Web
    Reuters and Media Nirvana

    Some interesting reactions to Reuters CEO Tom Glocer's speech at the Online Publishers Association. I thought it was encouraging news and in my previous post I (somewhat breathlessly) compared it to Associated Press CEO Tom Curley's similar speech a year ago. Upon further reflection, it's not quite at the level...

  • Web
    Lessig on the Read/Write Web

    Stanford Law professor Lawrence Lessig has a thought-provoking essay on about the perilous state of what he terms the Read-Write Internet:"We are well on our way to perfecting the “Read-Only” internet – that network in which every bit of culture can be bought in a single click, but bought...

  • Web
    Thoughts on Steve Jobs’ Macworld Keynote

    I'm not usually an Apple fanboy, but I decided to check out Steve Jobs' Macworld keynote this year. The webcast was provided by Apple (nb: they force you to download the latest iTunes + Quicktime in order to watch it). Steve wowed us with some big numbers, including impressive iPod...

  • Web
    Main Themes of Internet Companies at CES

    There's been a ton of CES news to digest these past few days, especially in the past 12 or so hours. Yahoo released Go and CEO Terry Semel made a speech at CES; Google released Google Pack, Google Video Player and Google Video Store; Larry Page did a speech at...

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