Results for "Apple"

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    Living The Blogging Dream

    New Zealand's biggest newspaper, The New Zealand Herald, has run an article about me in Monday morning's paper. It's on the back page of the Business section and is entitled Kiwi blogger logs on to make a living. This is the first time I've had any mainstream media coverage, so...

  • Web
    Online Video Industry Index

    Written by Emre Sokullu and edited by Richard MacManusThere are now so many companies vying to be the next YouTube, it's easy to lose track of them all. So let's take a look at the entire online video industry and categorize the major players. Our thanks to Ali Dagli of...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 5-9 February 2007

    Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on Read/WriteWeb.Top Web NewsAll of the big Web companies were in the news this week, but probably the one that made the most impact (as usual) was Apple. Steve Jobs is the master of getting attention, and his call for...

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    The Hybrid Design World of Digital and Physical – Nine Online, e-paper, iPhone

    Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManusMy wife and I were in the bookstore the other day and we were discussing the difference between shopping online versus shopping in the real world. We were not focused on ability to easily compare prices or instantly get to different stores,...

  • Web
    TVTonic Turns Video Podcasts Into TV Channels

    TVTonic is billing itself as "The Internet Channel". There are plenty of companies muscling into that market currently (the Amazon/TiVO partnership being the latest example), but TVTonic seems more focused on being a subscription service for video podcasts. Essentially they are trying to become a TV station for user-generated or...

  • Web
    Zlio Launches in US – Build Your Own Online Shop

    French startup, a service that enables any Internet user to start a virtual store, has just launched in the US and also has plans for a UK version. It's a free template-based system and you select the products you want to sell from a list of pre-approved merchants. There...

  • Web
    Web News: Microsoft Supports OpenID, Gmail Opens Up, Amazon/TiVo, Google and Cable Operators

    - Microsoft to Support OpenID; details are sketchy at this point, but Microsoft looks likely to utilize OpenID (the open, decentralized identity system) in some of its products. Brady Forrest has more info at O'Reilly Radar. If this turns out to be true, it'll be a huge step forward and...

  • Web
    Steve Jobs Asks Record Labels To Abolish DRM

    Apple CEO Steve Jobs has posted his Thoughts on Music in the 'Hot News' section of the Apple website. He starts off by explaining the background to Apple's DRM on iTunes:"Since Apple does not own or control any music itself, it must license the rights to distribute music from others,...

  • Web
    Internet Traffic Jam, Flickr annoys old skool, Zune Phone, J Allard takes charge of Zune

    - Information Super Traffic Jam; "A new assessment from Deloitte & Touche predicts that global traffic will exceed the Internet's capacity as soon as this year. Why? The rapid growth in the number of global Internet users, combined with the rise of online video services and the lack of investment...

  • Web
    Web War Not Won Yet

    In my previous post, I noted how the new Gmail/Google Docs & Spreadsheet integration feature threatens Microsoft. There's also some high level discussion going on in the tech sphere about how Microsoft's continued loss of search market share and confusion over the Live branding means they are losing the "web...

  • Web
    Attn Steve Jobs: Red Swoosh P2P Service Wants To Save You $15 Million

    Red Swoosh is a P2P desktop client which appears to compete against the BitTorrent client. It's a very promising technology in a Web world increasingly filled with video and other large multimedia files. Red Swoosh is a desktop client (Windows only) that enables users to download and stream files from...

  • Web
    Throwaway Identities

    Written by Jitendra Gupta of KarmaWeb and edited by Richard MacManus Social Media researcher danah boyd recently wrote in her blog about throwaway identities in MySpace:"Sara created a MySpace using an email address that she made specifically for that purpose. After vacation, she couldn't remember her MySpace password (or her...

  • Web
    Can Google Take Over The Internet

    We're piloting a new feature on Read/WriteWeb, called Point/Counterpoint. It's where two authors (John Milan and Alex Iskold in this case) argue two sides of an intriguing question. We'd also like you, the reader, to contribute YOUR thoughts in the comments section. Who do you agree with the most -...

  • Mobile
    Nokia’s Internet Tablet & Open Source Development Platform

    I've been impressed with the amount of Mobile Web action we've seen already in 2007. With Apple's iPhone, Google doing deals in Asia, Yahoo ramping up its Go platform, Microsoft hyping up Windows Mobile, small players like Dada doing good business, and innovative startups like Sharpcast and Smartpox, things are...

  • Web
    e-learning 2.0 Infiltrates the Classroom

    Disclosure: One of the products listed in this post, Digication, has been a recent R/WW sponsor.One of the more active markets for web 2.0 is e-learning; for example we've written before about ChinesePod (learning Chinese) and Elgg (social network software for education). Also last August Steve O'Hear wrote a very...

  • Web
    Trendwatching – Wired Or Tired In The Blogosphere

    By Alex IskoldLast week Apple's iPhone made a stunning debut. There are very few people who were not blown away by what Steve Jobs showed to the world, from the stage of MacWorld 2007. The irony was that beforehand, we didn't know what exactly the iPhone would be, but most...

  • Social
    Twango Tackles Lucrative Media Sharing Market

    Twango is a new media sharing service, for video, photos and other media. It's similar to eSnips, Multiply and PeopleAggregator, in that it combines media sharing with social networking. Twango was founded by a group of 5 ex-Microsoft employees in fall 2004 and officially launched in October 2006. I spoke...

  • Web
    Software Mutation: Predicting the Missing Link, Part 2

    By John Milan. This is the second in a two-part series. Part 1 is here.What will the software solutions of tomorrow look like? They will be forged by four powerful elements: The Internet, Open Source, Mobile Devices and Web 2.0. We can debate the merits of each, but taken as...

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    Steve Jobs: iPhone Ain’t Opening Up

    OK so Jobs didn't use the word "ain't". But in a Newsweek interview with Steven Levy, Jobs put the kibosh on any talk about the iPhone opening up its platform for third party developers:‚ÄúYou don‚Äôt want your phone to be an open platform,‚Ä? meaning that anyone can write applications for...

  • Web
    Best Products at CES 2007

    CNET's huge cadre of editors has published a Best of CES 2007 article. There aren't many Internet apps in the selection, but Microsoft comes out smelling of roses. They won the Peoples Voice award with 'Ford Sync powered by Microsoft' (an in-car communications and entertainment system). Ford Sync is for...

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