Results for "Apple"

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  • Entertainment
    Digital Lifestyle Mobile Jigsaw

    In my post about internet-based mobility earlier this week, I mentioned that the hype around mobile devices we endured during the 90's and early 21st century is finally being realized in 2004. Mobile phone market penetration is running at 70% where I live, up from 10% in the mid-90's. Other...

  • Web
    eBook Culture Strategy, Part 1

    It's about time I published my strategy for my new topic-focused blog, eBook Culture. Although upon reading Erik Benson's post tonight about getting on and building something rather than "talking about it but never building it", I now feel a bit guilty about writing yet another grand plan instead of...

  • Entertainment
    Audio Blogging Experiment Results

    Audio and video blogging seem to be hot topics currently. I myself have done two, pretty low-tech, audio blog posts. Both were readings of textual posts, one of a Read/Write Web classic from January 2004 - The Fractal Blogosphere. And the second audio post was something I wrote just last...

  • Web
    Notes on Tim O’Reilly’s Oscon 2004 speech

    One good thing about audio on the Web is that I can listen to things while I'm working. Which is precisely what I did this morning with Tim O'Reilly's keynote speech at the Open Source Convention currently being held in the US. The audio was done by IT Conversations, rapidly...

  • Web
    Interview with Marc Canter

    Read/Write Web is pleased to bring you this special feature, an interview with software pioneer Marc Canter. Marc is one of the founding fathers of multimedia, having created tools and content in the medium since the late 70's and early 80's. He formed a company called MacroMind in 1984 and...

  • Social
    The Microcontent Revolutions – a sequel to OpenDoc

    Yesterday I wrote about Sparrow Web, a 90's web application developed by Xerox Parc. I discovered that Sparrow Web was like a Microcontent authoring tool. It divvies up information on a webpage into discrete chunks. So when you edit content in Sparrow Web, you're editing a part of a webpage not the whole webpage (as...

  • Social
    Sparrow Web, webOutliner and Web of Ideas

    I'm doing some research into an Ideas Database web application, prompted by my recent Web of Ideas post (and its sequel). I have a Movable Type sandbox blog set up as a base for development. I'm planning on using XTM (XML Topic Maps) and/or ENT (Easy News Topics) as the engine...

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