Results for "NYT"

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    There is no cult of the amateur, Mr Carr

    Nicholas Carr, a real journalist, has a blog post that argues that Web 2.0 is amoral. That's a relatively uninteresting academic argument though. Of more practical import, is his rage against the "cult of the amateur". But I find it curious that he bases his argument against amateurs on a...

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    Barry Diller conversation

    John Battelle is speaking to Barry Diller of IAC. John asked straight off: why did you buy Ask? Barry: search box would keep evolving and more convergence through it. They "plunged" into an arrangement with Ask. If they failed and didn't gain share, that's OK - because it (Ask) has...

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    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 26 Sep – 2 Oct 2005

    This week: Defining Web 2.0, Web-based office, Yahoo media/tv, Google Wifi, Techie Post of the Week: Tim O'Reilly's What is Web 2.0. sponsored by:Defining Web 2.0A lot of online trees were felled this week to write about what Web 2.0 means. Tim O'Reilly's definition is a very comprehensive one and is...

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    Web Services Publishing

    Fascinating post by John Blossom on the evolution of content in the Web world. It's similar in theme to AP chief Tom Curley's famous Content and Containers speech last year - and my own extensive thoughts on the matter. Riffing on GoogleNet, Blossom wrote:"As content and software services merge into...

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    Acquisition Rumors – Newsgator and Moreover

    NewsGator Technologies will be announcing "a MAJOR acquisition" at the Web 2.0 Conference on October 5-7. Hmmm, I wonder who it is. Looking at my RSS Spacespreadsheet, Newsgator is one of the leading vendors in the Reader Services category. They also have a presence in the Search space. I wouldn't...

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    RSS Aggregators, commoditization and value-add

    Over on my ZDNet blog I've written a couple of posts that extend my analysis of The RSS Space. In the first post I explained the RSS Space categorization some more. I then noted that 4 of the 5 categories are at the mercy of The Big 3 of the...

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    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 5-11 Sep 2005

    sponsored by:This week: Microsoft's Web 2.0 platform, Rich Clients, Acquisitions, Web 2.0 in The Real World, Techie Post of the week - Web Development Trends for 2006.Microsoft's Web 2.0 platform News this week that Microsoft is releasing a set of developer APIs for four MSN properties: MSN Virtual Earth, MSN...

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    Going back in time

    I got quoted in an IDG article, currently on Macworld, about the RSS naming debate. I'm pleased to get my name in mainstream media, however they got the dates out of context. Here's the extract where I'm mentioned:"The debate raged on after Torres' response to Winer. In an Aug. 10...

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    Gettin’ Paid: A Future for Content Creators? Redux

    Remember my post last year entitled Gettin' Paid: A Future for Content Creators?. In it I passionately made the case that there is a future for niche writers to make a living on the Web. Well there are signs that it may yet happen...Microsoft has just started a network of...

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    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 25-31 July 2005

    sponsored by:Onfolio is offering R/WW readers a coupon code entitling the bearer to $30 off a purchase of Onfolio Professional before August 31st. Coupon Code: RM857202This week: Walled Gardens, Ajax backlash, Widgetmania, Asia update, The Web - Past, Present and Future.The Walls Come Tumbling DownLately there's been some progress towards...

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    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 18-24 July 2005

    sponsored by:Onfolio is offering R/WW readers a coupon code entitling the bearer to $30 off a purchase of Onfolio Professional before August 31st (a 30% saving off the normal $99.95 price). To use the coupon, enter it at the time of purchase. Coupon Code: RM857202This week: Thoughts on what News...

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    More on AOL portal – promising talk of RSS and topic-focused content

    Morenews is filtering through about AOL's re-design. AOL is probably second behind Yahoo in terms of the number of users it has, although it's far behind Yahoo in terms of marketing itself as a media company. If you look at's homepage right now, for example, you'll see it still...

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    Google website ranking patent – but does it account for RSS and APIs?

    On 31 March 2005 a Google US patent was made public that reveals interesting data on how they rank your website. Patent number 20050071741 was actually filed on 30 September 2003, but it was only made public at the end of March. Darren Yates did some analysis on it -...

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    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 23-29 May 2005

    sponsored by:This week: the future of Web sites in a world of RSS, highlights from ION RSS, new Web 2.0 developments, Techie post of the week.Future of Web sitesMatt McAlister, VP & General Manager, Online for InfoWorld, wrote this week that RSS is disintermediating InfoWorld's Web site. In other words,...

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    Google Search in Books goes live – And Amazon has it too

    Google has just released its beta book search product Google Print (hat tip Diablo). The new service lets people search within the text of a book. Interestingly, I note that Amazon has a search inside this book feature too (how long has that been live? first time I've seen it)....

  • Web
    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 2-8 May 2005

    sponsored by:This week: business folk getting interested in Web 2.0, Adam Curry podcasting from 2.0 perspective, cool Web 2.0 'mini-apps', wrap-up of the adverts in RSS debate, Bosworth's Web of Data.From MBA to Master of Web 2.0?I get accused of being too geeky sometimes on Read/Write Web (no argument there!)....

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    RSS and The Big 3

    I've been following what the 3 big Internet companies have been doing with RSS and I largely agree with Dave Winer's recent assessment:"Yahoo is dashing in front, with Microsoft close behind. Why isn't Google in the race?"Yahoo has been by far the most proactive company of the 3 this year....

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    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 28 Mar – 3 Apr 2005

    Before I start: as this is a regular feature, I'm looking for a forward-thinking company to sponsor the Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-Up. I get a lot of very positive feedback about the Wrap-Up and I know that a number of influential people read it. So if you'd like to sponsor...

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    Connected to Yahoo 360

    I got an invite to Yahoo! 360°, the new blogging/social networking app from Yahoo. Here is my 360 blog, which has hardly anything in it right now. I'll probably only use it for experimentation, but if I end up liking it then maybe I'll use it for social networking. First...

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    Bloglines’ Search-based Makeover – In The Big League Now

    A couple of weeks ago Microsoft's new web-based RSS Aggregator prototype was discovered. I wrote then (also in my weekly wrap-up) that even though technically the prototype wasn't that special, it did reveal Microsoft's business strategy for RSS. Which is that Microsoft intends to integrate RSS Aggregation with its MSN...

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