Results for "NYT"

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  • Web
    Doin’ it for the People

    My first reaction when I looked at my referer logs and saw I'd been slashdotted was: Holy Shit! Actually it was Marc Canter'sPeopleAggregator that was the main link in the Slashdot article, but it was my interview with Marc that caused it. I've gotten 2000-odd visits from Slashdot so far...

  • Web
    Interview with Marc Canter

    Read/Write Web is pleased to bring you this special feature, an interview with software pioneer Marc Canter. Marc is one of the founding fathers of multimedia, having created tools and content in the medium since the late 70's and early 80's. He formed a company called MacroMind in 1984 and...

  • Web
    Subscriber Stats in Bloglines

    The RSS Aggregator Bloglines is starting to build a lot of whuffie on the Web and it's justly deserved. I signed up to Bloglines at the beginning of August 2003 and at the time I raved about the benefits of having a browser-based RSS Aggregator - as opposed to the...

  • Web
    Random thoughts about Blogging Overload

    Thought a) Some people post too much. Recently I subscribed to 7 Journalist Bloggers - 6 of them post too many items, so I've fallen behind already. One of them has 81 unread items sitting in my RSS Aggregator and it's only 3 or so days worth. It's too much! I don't...

  • Web
    Internal Corporate Blogging

    One of my 12 main categories for this weblog is Corporate Weblogging. I recently wrote my category headings in the form of a manifesto, so here is how I actually phrased it: "Weblog technology can be used to enhance Corporate/Business communications and KM."Thus far I haven't written much on this...

  • Web
    Fun with XSLT – my draft thematic taxonomy

    Over the past few days I've been doing some work on a new XSLT-based topic navigation for my weblog. I started it over xmas, but had parked it since the new year because of a couple of bugs. My goal was to swap my Radio Userland-hosted OMPL-to-HTML transform (see Weblog Archive - by Topic in my menu) with...

  • Web
    Aesthetic Morality in the 21st Century

    Morality in art has always been a fascination of mine. And by art I mean literature, music, movies - the works. Some weblogs even. A favourite artist of mine is the great Canadian pianist Glenn Gould. One of Gould's theories was that music should be judged on moral considerations rather...

  • Web
    Is this the beginning of the Age of Topic-focused Blogs?

    I read with interest Matt Haughey's essay Blogging for Dollars, where he relates his experiences running Google's Adsense adverts on his TiVo-focused weblog, PVRblog. Matt is making a pretty penny running the Google ads on his TiVo blog and one of the main reasons why is that it is focused...

  • Web
    CSS conversion of my Radio weblog

    I've done a re-design of my Radio weblog, using CSS. Look ma, no tables! Yes, it's now a tableless design. I'm doing my bit for the web standards cause, although I haven't yet achieved 100% XHTML validation. For my re-design I used a CSS Zen Garden design by Michael Landis,...

  • Entertainment
    Weblogs are the new Universal Art

    Blogging is a 21st century art form and right now it is the most vibrant creative outlet in society. Ideas flow like water in the blogosphere and ticks over with updated posts every few seconds. Anyone can publish a weblog and that's partly what makes it so vibrant. But...

  • Web
    Browser-based RSS Aggregators

    A little while ago I wrote on the topic of "Smart Clients", a Microsoft catchphrase for non-browser-based web applications. In my article I mentioned an interesting browser-based RSS News Aggregator being built by Lucmo. Today I read the following post in the Lucmo weblog:"The Read/Write Web blog writes that Lucmo...

  • Social

    The problem with blogging is it's easy to get distracted by ideas you can't do anything about. My previous post illustrates this. In it I railed against Microsoft for wanting to build its own proprietory platform for Web applications. I wrote about it because I'm concerned about the future of the World Wide Web, in...

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    Simplicity and extensibility

    Tim O'Reilly writes in Dan Gillmor's comments: "Simplicity and extensibility should not be orthogonal. And any technology that sets them up as opposed, instead of complements, has clearly done something wrong."Note: orthogonal means "independent or well separated".Tim O'Reilly is talking about RSS2.0 (simple) and RSS1.0 (extensible). Lately I've been thinking and reading about...

  • Web
    Apple and the Universal Canvas

    Micah Alpern asked via my Comments form: "Wasn't this term [universal canvas] first popularized by Apple with their failed OpenDoc program?" Only one way to find out and that's pay a visit to Google. I found a definition of OpenDoc, but I didn't see anything that had OpenDoc and Universal Canvas in the...

  • Web

    Asterisk: "...the one thing every Web professional needs, regardless of their main job function, be that IA, Design, Development, what-have-you is adaptability. You know, the ability to wing it."In New Zealand we have a similar concept called No. 8 Wire mentality, or "kiwi ingenuity" - based on the architypal New Zealand farmer who can...

  • Web
    Web-based future of Intranets

    D. Keith Robinson has written an interesting article about the future of Intranets. He writes:"...a company's Intranet would be better served as more of an enterprise-wide, network-enabled application than anything resembling a Web site or Web application."It seems likely that content management systems will over time integrate with office systems. Products...

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