Results for "NYT"

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    New edgeio features point to future of Structured Blogging

    The online classifieds edge player edgeio has released an update tonight, that points to the future of Structured Blogging. Now edgeio users don't need to physically do tagging on their blogs, or in fact even be a blogger, in order to post a classifieds advert. How does that work, seeing...

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    Review of Goowy, a Flash and Ajax desktop suite

    by Ryan Stewart(Richard's Note: I'm introducing guest bloggers to Read/WriteWeb, to write about topics that I think will be of interest to R/WW readers - but which I'm not an expert in myself. Ryan Stewart is the first of my guest bloggers, writing on the topic of Flash and 'rich...

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    Feeds as a platform + future of aggregators

    Niall Kennedy is on a roll, having this week published an informative series of posts on the RSS platform and the 'state of the aggregator':NewsGator APIGoogle Reader platformWindows RSS PlatformFeeds as a platformState of the aggregator I don't really have anything to add, being busy in the middle of other...

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    NZ’s eBay sold for $700M

    The big news in my part of the world today is that, a virtual clone of eBay that has risen to dominance in the eBay-less New Zealand market, has been sold to Aussie media company Fairfax for a staggering NZ$700 million [news via Dave]. Mr Barren thinks Fairfax would've...

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    Reuters and Media Nirvana

    Some interesting reactions to Reuters CEO Tom Glocer's speech at the Online Publishers Association. I thought it was encouraging news and in my previous post I (somewhat breathlessly) compared it to Associated Press CEO Tom Curley's similar speech a year ago. Upon further reflection, it's not quite at the level...

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    Yahoo not scaling back on ‘original content’ – just re-defining it

    The NYTimes reports that Yahoo! is backing off its big plans to create television-style original content for the Web. Fears that Yahoo original content will alienate movie studios and television networks appears to be behind this shift in strategy. In that sense, I can understand Yahoo focusing more on the...

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    Megite Testing Personalized Meme Tracker

    One of Memeorandum's new competitors, Megite, is testing out a Personalized version of their product. You will be able to upload your OPML file and a personalized news cluster will be created for you, based on the RSS feeds you already track. Here's the demo page for my Personalized Megite.In...

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    NY Times owns Blogrunner – or does it?

    In my post earlier today Rating the Meme Trackers, one of the news clustering services I mentioned was Blogrunner's The Annotated New York Times. It essentially remixes the NY Times, by clustering external blog posts that cite NY Times stories. Well today posted an interview with NY Times VP...

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    Rating the Meme Trackers – Memeorandum still tops, but Topix and TailRank up there too

    TechCrunch recently rounded up a list of Memeorandum hunters, or what Don Dodge is calling meme trackers (I like that term). Seeing as I was one of the first off the blocks with a rave memeorandum review back in September 05, right behind Robert Scoble, and I've been gushing about...

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    Total Internet Spending Up 22% in 2005 from 2004

    The latest comScore Networks report states that total Internet spending reached $143.2 billion for the full year 2005, an increase of 22 percent from 2004. What's more, comScore Networks chairman Gian Fulgoni is quoted as saying: "It's clear based on what we're seeing so far in 2006 that the strength...

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    Off to Seattle for Microsoft Search Champs

    In a few hours I'll be on a plane to Seattle, for the Microsoft Search Champs V4. My second trip to the US and my first to Seattle. It'll be 15.5 hours of flying time from New Zealand (not including waiting around for connecting flights etc), but luckily for me...

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    CES 2006: Web Companies and Internet-connected Gadgets Poised For Action

    This week will be awash with coverage from the CES 2006 show in Las Vegas (International Consumer Electronics Show). I'll be quaffing down any interesting news about Web-based media and gadgets, along with feasting on my staple Internet bigco diet of Yahoo, Google, Microsoft, Apple. Bill Gates (MS), Terry Semel...

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    Cat eats pigeons: why Web 2.0 has jumped the shark

    Well my declaration that Web 2.0 is dead set the cat amongst the pigeons. Let me give a bit of background...I've been thinking for a while now about re-focusing Read/WriteWeb onto more media-related Web technologies. Many of the things I'm interested in are being done by Yahoo!, which by now...

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    Web 2.0 definitions / Wikipedia idiots

    Joshua Porter has written a nice balanced introduction to Web 2.0 on Squidoo.Meanwhile I'm having a running battle with some idiots on the Wikipedia Web 2.0 page. One or more of these clowns keeps deleting any and all references to my websites and articles. Now I know what Dave Winer...

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    Defining Web as Platform

    Fred Wilson has been thinking about the Web as a Platform concept. Like me, Fred sees this phrase as central to understanding the current era of the Web - known as Web 2.0. I liked how he put it:"I believe the web is a platform. And that everything we need...

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    Top Mashups

    ProgrammableWeb has released a list of 'popular' mashups, which John Musser calculated from a mix of click-throughs and user 'votes' based on a 1 to 5 scale rating system. Here are the top 10 mashups according to ProgrammableWeb:1. Virtual Places 2. Weather Bonk 3. 4. Flash Earth 5. Adactio...

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    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 14-20 Nov 2005

    This week: Explaining Web 2.0 to normal people, Google Base, Yahoo Shoposhere, Amazon tags, Hypertext and the next 15 years.Sponsor OpportunityThe Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-Up has had 3 excellent sponsors over the past 30 weeks and now I'm looking for the next great sponsor. If you'd like to associate your...

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    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 31 Oct – 6 Nov 2005

    This week: Microsoft Live, Flash Maps and the Mechanical Turk, Web 2.0 meet-ups all over the world, 2.0 Blog of the Week - by:Microsoft Live wrap-upThe big news of the week was Microsoft's announcement of Windows Live and Office Live. My post entitled Microsoft Livens Up Web 2.0 summarized...

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    The Yahoo! System

    Interesting NY Times article about Yahoo!. Some key quotes:"The idea that human judgment can improve a search engine's automatic findings is hardly new. From the dawn of the Web's history - that is, over the last 15 years - companies have invented tools to help users assess the quality and...

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    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 24-30 Oct 2005

    This week: Microsoft's Web 2.0 strategy, Google Base, Yahoo! travel, Web 2.0 Humour, 2.0 Post of the Week.sponsored by:Microsoft's Web 2.0 StrategyThere's big news coming this week from Microsoft, on the consumer as well as business side. It sounds like Microsoft is really ramping up its Web 2.0 strategy. Meanwhile, this...

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