Results for "NYT"

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    The Race to Beat Google

    Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManus In an article in the January 1st 2007 issue of NYTimes, reporter Miguel Helft writes about the race in Silicon Valley to beat Google. Certainly the future of search has been much talked about lately. Last year Read/WriteWeb had a number...

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    Read/WriteWeb Christmas: Widgets, not Cheese

    Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManus 2006 was a year of many interesting Web happenings and 2007 is looking like another bumper year. In all the excitement, we wondered what can we give R/WW readers for Christmas? Well since most of you are busy spending time with...

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    The Social Shopping Faceoff

    Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManusIt's no accident that Time magazine choose YOU as their Person of the Year. In 2006, the Web was all about the social. User generated content was king this year - and the Time editor in chief is betting that the impact...

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    ChaCha: A Human-Powered Search Engine

    Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManus Earlier this week Emre wrote a very informative and comprehensive overview of the Search space. Each of the profiled search engines has a unique approach. They deploy a range of sophisticated heuristics, clustering and machine techniques. In this article we look...

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    Search 2.0 – What’s Next?

    Written by Emre Sokullu and edited by Richard MacManus You may feel relatively satisfied with the current search offerings of Google, Yahoo, Ask and MSN. Search today is undoubtedly much better than what it was in the second half of the 1990's. But Internet search is still in its infancy...

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    2006 Web Technology Trends

    It's December already and so it's about that time to reflect on what has happened in Web Technology during 2006 - and ponder what 2007 may bring. Over the next few weeks Read/WriteWeb is going to publish some in-depth posts analyzing the trends and new products we've seen in 2006,...

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    Hakia – First Meaning-based Search Engine

    Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManus. There has been a lot of talk lately about 2007 being the year when we will see companies roll out Semantic Web technologies. The wave started with John Markoff's article in NY Times and got picked up by Dan Farber of...

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    Retrevo – What Vertical Search Will Become

    Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManus. During DEMOfall 06, we wrote about about the Retrevo vertical search engine for electronics. Retrevo is one of the more advanced vertical search engines, because it uses sophisticated mining and crawling technologies. In terms of UI, their aim is to blur...

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    Avantoure: A Magazine for the Web Age

    Recently I came across a new magazine that is delivered via the Web - and utilizes a lot of Web native functionality in the process. It's called Avantoure and the tagline is "life is a game". The contents of the magazine appeal to me, but in this post I'll focus...

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    JotSpot Case Casts Doubt on Future of Web Office Startups

    Recent Google acquisition JotSpot found itself the subject of unwanted attention this week, when an early customer complained of being shut out after the Google deal. A blog post by someone named Kevin (no last name supplied) had all the gory details, but Kevin then subsequently deleted it (note: I'd...

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    Blastfeed and the Future of RSS Filtering

    Blastfeed is the latest in RSS filter products to cross my virtual desk. Back in April I looked at this space and at the time noted that filtering would be a hot topic in 2006. Why? Because it's the next step up from RSS aggregation, as many of us now...

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    Yahoo: Time to Kill Off Flickr, and Other Web 2.0 Brands

    The big news over the weekend is the publication of an internal memo by Yahoo senior VP Brad Garlinghouse, dubbed the 'Peanut Butter Manifesto'. The crux of it is that Garlinghouse says Yahoo as a company is unfocused and has too many product lines that cross over. Here is how...

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    In B.E.D. with TechCrunch – literally…

    Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManus. A pure TechCrunch goodness has descended on New York on this rainy evening. Ignoring the rain, hundreds of web 2.0 fans, venture capitalists and sponsors rushed to the sought after New York venue called B.E.D.The venue is famous for serving out-of-this-world...

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    uGenie: Meta-Middleman for Online Shopping

    While I was in San Francisco, I met up with uGenie co-founder and President Harish Abbott. uGenie is a comparison shopping service that not only finds the best price on a single product, but on groups of products which it calls a 'bundle'. uGenie computes the bottom-line price (including shipping,...

  • Web The King of SEO

    While at the Web 2.0 Summit last week I caught up with CEO Scott Meyer. is the long-standing network of how-to websites, purchased in March 2005 by the New York Times Company for $410 Million. Since that time has continued to flourish - it has 31 Million...

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    The Road to the Semantic Web

    Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManus.John Markoff's recent article in NY Times has generated an interesting discussion about Web 3.0 being the long-promised Semantic Web. For instance, a short post on Fred Wilson's blog had a lot of lengthy comments attempting to define Web 1.0, Web 2.0...

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    Social and Enterprise Groupware Primer

    Written by Ebrahim Ezzy and edited by Richard MacManus.The term groupware refers to applications that facilitate real-time communication, coordination and collaboration amongst groups of people. A number of startups are working hard to develop the nascent groupware market, so in this post we identify some of those startups and provide an overview...

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    Web 2.0 Summit Wrap-up

    Read/WriteWeb's Web 2.0 Summit coverage sponsored by Yahoo!It's the end of a hectic week of conference-going for your R/WW correspondent - and so time for a wrap-up of my thoughts on the Web 2.0 Summit. Firstly, my overriding feeling is that this year's conference was a lot different from last...

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    David Filo and Bradley Horowitz of Yahoo

    Read/WriteWeb's Web 2.0 Summit coverage sponsored by Yahoo!This is the final session at the Web 2.0 Summit this year, a conversation with Yahoo co-founder David Filo and Bradley Horowitz (Yahoo's head of innovation).John says there's a vibe that Y! has slowed down somewhat in public perception, as opposed to Google....

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    Adobe CEO Bruce Chizen at Web 2.0 Summit

    Read/WriteWeb's Web 2.0 Summit coverage sponsored by Yahoo!Adobe CEO Bruce Chizen is talking to Tim O'Reilly on stage now. Bruce says that before the Macromedia acquisition, Adobe was a peripheral player on the Web - so the acquisition brought them back into the heart and soul of the Web. He...

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