Results for "NYT"

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    Long Tail And Blog Subscription Growth

    Update 2: After email discussions with Jon, I've discovered my figures were a bit out and so I've fixed that up now. In my updated figures, I now see evidence of what Jon pointed out in his post - i.e. a general tapering-off in new public subs added in December...

  • Web
    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 21-27 Feb 2005

    This week: AP's RSS feeds, Enterprise RSS developments (Newsgator, Nooked), professional bloggers (Kottke, Darren Rowse), Odeo (podcasting), Ajax. p.s. headers in honour of the Oscars.Best Use of RSS Feeds by a News CollectiveAnd the winner is: Associated Press!, or Reuters. Because they both have RSS feeds. Hmm, seems the...

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    Blog Branding: and Kottke

    First, some context...Jay Rosen, in the "after matter" of his article on the New York Times purchase of, posts an email response from Jakob Nielsen. Nielsen said:"The real secret of is that they have figured out a way to get 500 domain experts to work for peanuts, in...

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    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 14-20 Feb 2005

    A look back at the week that was in the world of Web 2.0. This week: Google's AutoLinks feature, IE7, NY Times buys, more Big Media blogging coverage, Bloglines hacks.AutoLinks and AnnotationEver since Google made it big, many people have been looking for a chance to pin the 'evil'...

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    Blogging 2.0

    You may be getting sick of '2.0' being stuck onto the end of everything, but I can't resist pointing to this excellent post by VC Fred Wilson. He characterises the mid-to-late 90's era of Web content creation companies like (ex-The Mining Company), Geocities and Tripod as "blogging 1.0". The...

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    Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-up, 30 Jan-6 Feb 2005

    Here's my summary of what went on in the Web 2.0 world this past week. Headlines inspired by tabloid newspapers.Bloglines Shocker! Butler Buys Master of the Blog Universe!The big news of the week was Mary Hodder's scoop that Bloglines has (probably) been bought by Ask Jeeves, the genial but non-trendy...

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    Flickr CEO talks about Google threat

    Richard Koman over at SiliconValleyWatcher gets the scoop from Flickr CEO Stewart Butterfield, on whether Google will replicate Flickr's photo-sharing service (as suggested by Om Malik). Stewart is quoted as saying:"Given our growth, the technologies cooking in the lab, and that we're still completing the feature set and infrastructure build...

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    Why Topic/Tag/Remix Feeds Are The Future of RSS

    To follow-up on my rather bold prediction for RSS in my previous post: "in the not too distant future, more people will subscribe to topic/tag/remix feeds than feeds of actual people." One of the reasons I think this may eventuate is that blogging is and always will be a minority sport...

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    Best Web 2.0 Companies of 2004

    In 2005 I'll be sharpening my blog's focus some more, onto the topic of Web 2.0. I'll explore what Web 2.0 means in detail in later posts, but for now a quick definition of Web 2.0 is: using the Web as a platform.A good way for me to launch into...

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    2005 Predictions (and some personal news)

    Jupiter Research analyst Michael Gartenberg has some predictions for 2005. The first 4 are of great interest to me, so I thought I'd list them here along with some brief comments from moi. Plus at the end of this post, a hint of what I'll be up to in 2005.1....

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    Branding Microcontent

    Well here I am blogging in my pyjamas. Not literally, but metaphorically. Chillin'. Taking stock. Thinking about goals for next year. I've also been thinking about my Design for Data theory and while I've been doing that, a few posts elsewhere have attracted my attention...First a "in a nutshell" re-cap...

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    Summary of Bill Ives’ KM Storytelling Posts

    I recently did a dump of content from my PDA to my linkblog - things I'd been reading offline and not yet recorded in my 'Ideas Database' (aka my linkblog). One batch of links is from a single person, Bill Ives. So I thought I'd dump them into one R/WW...

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    Tim O’Reilly Interview, Part 1: Web 2.0

    Welcome to the second in my series of Web 2.0 interviews, in which I interview people in the Web community who are building or shaping Web 2.0 - i.e. the Web as Platform. And who better to talk to than the person who organized the hugely successful Web 2.0 conference...

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    Design for Data: Thoughts

    Nearly a month ago I left a comment on Jason Kottke's weblog, in response to a post about his upcoming Web 2.0 conference workshop called Design for Web 2.0. He had listed 15 questions that were to be discussed in that workshop and one in particular caught my eye. It...

  • Web
    Interview with Lucas Gonze of Webjay

    Welcome to the first in a very special series of Web 2.0 interviews I'm conducting on Read/Write Web. My goal is to interview at least half a dozen people in the Web community who are building or shaping Web 2.0 - i.e. the Web as Platform.My first guest is Lucas...

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    Web 2.0 book idea update / Moneyball review

    This post doubles as an update of my writing goals and a short review of Michael Lewis' book Moneyball. First, my goals. Lately on Read/Write Web, I've been exploring options for my future. eBooks and Knowledge Management storywriting are a couple of things I've been researching. And one thing I...

  • Web
    Case Study of a Non-Geek Topic-Focused Blog: Fast Machines

    Last week I wrote about some examples of topic-focused blogs, all of which had technology-focused content. Josh Katinger left a comment pointing to his blog about motor racing, called Fast Machines. It didn't look like spam, so I clicked through and discovered that Josh runs a very good topic-focused blog....

  • Social
    RVW Reviews on Read/Write Web

    I've been meaning to add the RVW module for reviews for a wee while now and tonight I did it. RVW is an RSS module created by Alf Eaton. It's basically some extra metadata you add to your RSS feed that describes reviews - of books, music, anything you like...

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    MT Migration – The How and the CSS

    Yesterday I explained why I moved my blog from Radio Userland and today I'm going to explain how I did it. I'll also talk a bit about my new CSS layout.The MoveI have to give a big shout-out to Bill Kearney, whose Radio Exporter tool made it relatively easy to...

  • Entertainment
    Media Literacy and How Blogs Should Evolve

    I'm currently reading Lawrence Lessig's new book, Free Culture, which is available as a free download under a Creative Commons license. I'm only up to pg 64, but already I've discovered some great new ideas. One of them is "media literacy". This is the best definition I've found so far...

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