I got an invite to Yahoo! 360°, the new blogging/social networking app from Yahoo. Here is my 360 blog, which has hardly anything in it right now. I’ll probably only use it for experimentation, but if I end up liking it then maybe I’ll use it for social networking. First impressions are positive and it’ll be even better when they integrate MyYahoo. Is this going to redefine that 90’s staple of web design, the portal? I think Yahoo 360 is on its way to doing that.
It’s certainly bringing the read/write web closer to mainstream and that’s a good thing! A read/write portal… yes I like that idea (of course Marc Canter calls it a DLA).
NB: I see they haven’t connected Flickr to it yet – when I tried to add some photos it sent me to something called Yahoo! Photos. I’ll wait for Flickr thanks…
Anyways, if you’re a regular reader of Read/Write Web and you’d like an invite – let me know (readwriteweb AT gmail.com). If we haven’t communicated before via email or phone, then tell me a bit about why you read my blog. I don’t mean to be an invite snob, it’s just that I’d like to at least know who you are before I invite you onto my friends list. 🙂
Oh and p.s., expect a delay before you receive an invite – Yahoo 360 isn’t aknowledging my email address update and verification, so right now it prevents me from sending out invites! This is a beta, so I’ll forgive them 🙂
Update, the next day:I still can’t send out any invites, because the “unverified” email address bug hasn’t been fixed yet (I’ve now verified it 3 times, tried changing my address again, etc). So sorry to those waiting for an invite from me, I’ll send one out as soon as I can. [fixed now] Also I’m not sure whether my Yahoo 360 blog is viewable to the outside world…