Results for "gear sport"

We found 583 results for your search.
  • Mobile
    Google’s Smartwatch Is Starting To Look Like A Reality

    Google smartwatch patentThe probability that Google is working on a smartwatch in conjunction with LG is now fairly high. New leaks revealed its alleged specifications and the presumed timing of its announcement—which, as previously noted, is likely to be at the Google I/O developer conference late June in San Francisco.Notorious...

  • Web
    Pushing Fitness Tech To The Austin City Limits At SXSW

    ReadWriteBody is an ongoing series where ReadWrite covers networked fitness and the quantified self.South By Southwest Interactive is an annual tech festival known for beer, brisket, and business deals cut at bars. But the city where it's held is also an epicenter of healthy living and innovative startups. So instead of...

  • Social
    How To Survive SXSW

    Nothing can inspire such a volatile cocktail of dread and excitement in an otherwise technology-loving human quite like South By Southwest.South By Southwest Interactive—“SXSWi" to acronym-loving geeks—is tech’s premier celebration of itself. It takes place annually in a very much transformed Austin, Texas. Like our other not-quite-sane-enough-to-skip-itpeers, we’ll be making...

  • Mobile
    5 Things You Need To Know About The Samsung Galaxy S5

    Samsung loves to make a splash when it announces its brand new Galaxy smartphones. The launch of the Galaxy S5 in Barcelona was no different. But this time the focus was on the smartphone and not theatrics and features that may or may not work.Presumably Samsung learned something from last...

  • Entertainment
    10 Cool Things A Pebble Smartwatch Can Do

    The Pebble smartwatch is growing up. A year after it started shipping to Kickstarter backers, the startup officially cut the ribbon on Pebble's very own app store last week. With this, Pebblers get a single resource covering the latest watchfaces, tools and time-wasters for their favorite arm gear.The Pebble Appstore,...

  • Cloud
    Google’s Secret Weapon Against Amazon: Blistering Fast Networks

    It's easy to assume the public cloud war is over and Amazon has won. Gartner highlights Amazon Web Services offers five times the utilized compute capacity of the other 14 cloud providers in the Gartner Magic Quadrant. Combined.However impressive this lead may seem, Gartner's analysis didn't include the Google Cloud, which...

  • Mobile
    The Mac At 30: How OS X Might Live On In An iPad Pro

    On Friday, January 24, the Mac will turn 30. The personal computer is clearly an important part of Apple’s past. But what role does it play in Apple's future?The key may be OS X, the 14-year-old operating system still running Macs today.When Apple unveiled the iPhone in 2007, it pulled off...

  • Mobile
    With Google Glass, Fitness Gets In Your Face

    ReadWriteBody is an ongoing series where ReadWrite covers networked fitness and the quantified self.It took me a long time to take to running, that solitary sport. Even now, I find myself pulling out my smartphone to check my route, see my pace and my heart rate, and maybe even fire off...

  • Mobile
    Top 11 Mobile Trends Of 2013

    ReadWriteReflect offers a look back at major technology trends, products and companies of the past year.It was a big year for mobile in 2013, as it has been for the past several years.Smartphones took the first steps toward becoming hubs we can use to control our entire lives. Companies became...

  • Web
    Measuring Up: My Next Challenge For ReadWriteBody

    ReadWriteBody is an ongoing series where ReadWrite covers networked fitness and the quantified self. From December 2013 to January 2014, it is presented by Qualcomm Toq.As I’ve been writing about digital fitness and my own efforts to improve my health, I’ve picked up a lot of fellow travelers who share my interests....

  • Web
    A Beginning, Not An End, For My Digital-Fitness Experiment

    ReadWriteBody is an ongoing series where ReadWrite covers networked fitness and the quantified self. From December 2013 to January 2014, it is presented by Qualcomm Toq.December may seem like an odd time of year to double down on writing about fitness. The holiday season brings the culinary debacle of Thanksgiving...

  • Mobile
    The Best Of Windows Phone: The Nokia Lumia 1520 [Review]

    There is big. Then there is massive. The Galaxy Note 3 smartphone “phablet” is big. The brand new Nokia Lumia 1520 is massive. Really, this smartphone should come with a warning label: “Putting this device against your face to make a phone call will make you look ridiculous and is not practical...

  • Web
    Under Armour Opens Up Wearables With MapMyFitness Buy

    ReadWriteBody is an ongoing series where ReadWrite covers networked fitness and the quantified self.Under Armour, the Baltimore-based exercise-clothing company, announced Thursday that it will buy Austin, Texas-based app maker MapMyFitness for $150 million, marking one of the first big deals in the quantified-self space.Already, people are making comparisons to Nike, UnderArmour’s...

  • Mobile
    Pebble To Developers: Get Ready To Rock With New Wearable Tech Tools

    When the Pebble smartwatch hit the market earlier this year, it hewed to a "simple is best" philosophy, offering only a limited set of features. But the company also pledged to help others develop their own creative uses for the gadget, and it's now followed through with a more fully...

  • Social
    Twitter In 2013: The Road To An IPO

    Twitter is set to start publicly trading later this week, and as the company gears up for its public entrance, we’ve put together a list of how Twitter has changed in the last year to supercharge its efforts to make money. Twitter released a significant amount of updates this year. And...

  • Cloud
    Networked Intelligent Bicycles Are Transforming Urban Riding

    ReadWriteDrive is an ongoing series covering the future of transportation.The world’s first open source piece of hardware was the bicycle, according to the Open Source Hardware Association. To be more precise, it was the draisine, introduced as a two-wheeled human-propelled walking machine in 1817.Technologists of the day added things like pedals,...

  • Mobile
    The Time Has Come For Smartwatches

    There was something odd in the latest issue of Wired magazine: eight full-page ads (totaling nearly 4% of the magazine) were taken out by traditional non-smartwatch companies like Rolex, Tudor, Seiko and Burberry.It seems bizarre that a magazine dedicated to exploring emerging technologies would dedicate so much space to a...

  • Mobile
    I Can Feel My Heart Beat (For The Very First Time)

    ReadWriteBody is an ongoing series where ReadWrite covers networked fitness and the quantified self.I had an epiphany the other day in the gym: I haven't been pushing myself as much as I could.This wasn't some nebulous feeling of guilt or self-doubt. My personal trainer and I were looking at a chart that...

  • Startups
    How Massachusetts Tried To Fleece Its Technology Sector With “Tech Tax”

    Massachusetts needs money. These days, every state is looking for ways to scrape out more revenue for failing budgets and costly infrastructure projects.But Massachusetts looked at its burgeoning technology sector and thought that it could squeeze at least $160 million a year out the Commonwealth’s startups and established technology firms...

  • Cloud
    How Nissan Will Roll Out Self-Driving Cars: Fricking Lasers

    ReadWriteDrive is an ongoing series covering the future of transportation.It was an improbably futuristic scene: A man standing on a sunbaked tarmac in Irvine, Calif., next to a Nissan Leaf electric car, pushed a button on the hatchback’s key fob. The Leaf, unassisted by human intervention or preprogrammed maps, crawled at about...

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