Home Nvidia Shield + SmartThings spells a winning combo

Nvidia Shield + SmartThings spells a winning combo

Samsung SmartThings is a company that is focused on building an open platform for smart homes and the consumer Internet of Things.  Recently they had announced a SmartThings Link, a device that makes your NVIDIA SHIELD TV a SmartThings hub this September.


SmartThings Link bundled together with Shield TV

SmartThings is now bundling the SmartThings Link along with the NVIDIA Shield TV for just $ 214.98 USD at Best Buy. However, If you want to buy the link as a standalone product, it is available at the SmartThings Shop.

Along with the SmartThings Link, the SHIELD TV can control your entire home through the link. This includes a wide range of devices and other entertainment devices. This bundle is specially made for people who do not like to buy a separate smart speaker, music streamer and a separate smart hub to control all these things. The SHIELD TV offers you all the functionality of all these smart home devices. The Link also works with the Google Assistant, the Amazon Alexa and much more.
There are a number of SmartThings devices that work well with the Link, with this link you are one step closer to making your home smarter. The SmartThings link also adds both the ZigBee and the Z-Wave support to the SHIELD TV. These two low-power wireless protocols are optimized for battery operated smart devices. These devices include doors, windows, and other sensors that are battery-operated devices.

ZigBee and Z-Wave

Zigbee is a suite of high-level communication protocols used to create personal area networks with small, low-power digital radios, such as for home automation, medical device data collection, and other low-power low-bandwidth needs.
Z-Wave is a mesh network using low-energy radio waves to communicate from appliance to appliance, allowing for wireless control of residential appliances and other devices.

Voice Control?

The Google Assistant is now available with your SHIELD TV. With its support, you can now control your devices with your voice. The Google Assistant’s natural voice recognition is highly advanced, thus making it easier than before. Once it has been set up, all it takes is telling  “Ok Google” followed by your request. The SmartThings Link also works with Amazon Alexa, so if you have an Amazon Echo or Dot you can use the Amazon Voice assistant. This making your entertainment experience smarter.

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