Home Nokia N9 Reviews: Fashion & Tech

Nokia N9 Reviews: Fashion & Tech

Two stories of a two week relationship with the Nokia N9 are just itching to be told, one from a fashionista with a soft spot for cyan (lucky that) and another from a self confessed mobile fanatic.

Let’s kick off with a splash of colour shall we? Here we have Lebanese fashionisa, Lana, who admits to have been eyeing up the N9 even before we had the chance to send her one. Blue being her favourite colour, it seemed right that we honoured this with a cyan phone!

Her review is as expected and predominantly about aesthetics and design. The N9, with its mix of ‘rigidity and very roundish corners’, makes Lana say it’s the most beautiful smartphone seen this year. All of this coming from a woman who measures the looks of everything, really says something about the alluring physicality of the handset itself.
I think it’s the most beautiful smartphone developed this year

A heavier read concludes the second story for today. For now, I won’t cover too much here because I’d never be able to do it the justice it deserves. Suffice to say though, Alvin who writes for The Mobile Fanatics has put a lot of time and effort into telling of his experience with the phone. His review is spread into three parts, Hardware, Software and Conclusions.
Each section, as you would expect from a mobile fanatic, is heavily detailed and commentated upon with sound expertise. So if you’re looking to get under the skin of the N9, grab your morning paper and a cup of coffee and start your journey.
“The Nokia N9 is a special phone for a special person. Are you that special person?”
Have you tried an N9 before? If not, reach out to us on Twitter because we might be able to help you out . Otherwise, let us know what you think about the opinions expressed here and your own in the comments section. 🙂
Source Nokia Connects

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