Nodejitsu, the original Node.js platform-as-a-service, has open-sourced several of its tools, some of which are used in its own production stack. These could be useful to those running their own Node.js servers or private clouds. Some of the tools are very simple, like forever, which ensures that a script runs continuously. Others are more involved, such as the application server haibu and the cloud deployment tool jitsu.

You can find all sort Node.js goodness at Nodejitsu’s GitHub.
Here’s a partial list of tools:
- node-http-proxy – A full-featured http proxy for node.js
- jitsu – A CLI tool for deploying your node.js apps to the cloud
- haibu – A node.js application server – spawn your own node.js clouds, on your own hardware
- Winston – A multi-transport async logging library for node.js ( supports File, Console, Redis, Mongo, etc )
- forever – A simple tool for ensuring that a given script runs continuously (i.e. forever)
- node-cloudfiles – A client implementation for Rackspace CloudFIles in node.js
- node-cloudservers – A client implementation for Rackspace CloudServers in node.js
- nconf – A hybrid local / remote configuration storage library
- require-analyzer – Determines the set of requirements for a given node.js file, directory tree, or module
- node-prompt – A beautiful command-line prompt for node.js
- kohai – A pluggable IRC bot for managing real-time data events (Currently Experimental)
Nodejitsu now has several competitors in the Node.js PaaS space, including VMware CloudFoundry and most recently Heroku. Also, Nodester (formerly known as NodeFu) runs a Node.js PaaS based on some of Nodejitsu’s open source tools, but promises to release some of its own open source tools.