Capcom teased Monster Hunter fans with another trailer for Monster Hunter Wilds at Gamescom Opening Night Live on Tuesday. The footage showed off a new region — the Scarlet Forest — as well as a new monster, Lala Barina, a gigantic spider-like creature. You’ll want to pack a lunch if you’re taking it on.
Good thing this trailer shows you what’s on the menu, then. There are also tons (perhaps literally) of other big bad-ass beasts galore, too.
A news release accompanying the new trailer said The Scarlet Forest is “a dynamic environment that undergoes periods of Plenty, Inclemency, and Fallow” that affect the landscape as well as the wildlife it supports.
Lala Barina is described as “part of the Temnoceran class of monsters rarely seen in the series.” The Lala Barina “can unfurl its thorax into a massive, rose-like form that is as treacherous as it is beautiful.”
The apex monster has been seen before — more of a glimpse, really — at Summer Game Fest, but Rey Dau got a bigger reveal in the latest trailer. Rey Dau, a wyvern, lives adjacent to The Scarlet Forest in the Windward Plains. You can get a feel for its menacing electrical attacks in the trailer above.
Other highlights in the trailer include NPC support hunters, different combat moves coming to Monster Hunter Wilds, and Windsong Village, one of the hub communities where players will prepare their expeditions, rest, eat, and upgrade their gear.
Monster Hunter Wilds is still holding to a 2025 release window for PlayStation 5, Windows PC via Steam, and Xbox Series X. It will support cross-platform multiplayer, Capcom said.