Earlier we posted a method to root (jailbreak) your Samsung Gear 2 / Gear Neo by Skin1980, and one of the great features is that you can install apps onto your Gear 2 Smartwatch from non Samsung Smartphones !!!! As we know, the Gear 2 can currently ONLY work with certain Samsung phones, but no more !!! You do need to be a bit technical as it does involve using the Tizen SDK.
Mod your APK to work with TizenMod 3.0 (Root ROM/ Firmware)
- Bring the apk ( you can also install via Samsung App Store and copy the apk with a root browser from /data/app/)
- Pull the wgt file that are inside the assets folder
- Import in tizen SDk and remove the signature
- Always in Tizen SDK rebuild the wgt with the test signature
- Put the wgt u have created in the step above inside the apk ( you have to copy it over the original)
- Sign the APK
Below is a video that can help some of the above steps:
Here is the Modded version of the Watch Styler App for you to Download
You can also make a donation to the developer, as this stuff takes time and dedication to do.
UPDATE: You can also request for modded APK’s on this thread at XDA developers.