Buffs and nerfs, nerfs and buff. It must be about time for League of Legends to get its latest patch. Well, we are still a week out from it dropping but already we have a firm indicator of what’s to come in the preview of the patch notes from the lead dev at Riot. There is way too much to pop on this page so here are some of the key bits as well as links to everything else you may be interested in.
League of Legends 25.S1.3 Patch notes
If you want to read the full, as yet, unofficially released patch notes, you can check out this Reddit link. But below you will find some tasty titbits.
- This patch, we’re increasing Voracious Atakhan’s stasis duration after being killed to 15s, in addition to increasing the reward for claiming the GA false life to 200g per player (from last patch)
- The tempo gained from Voracious buff is too much on current tuning and we’ll continue to pull these levers
- We intend for Atakhan to still give an advantage to the team who claimed him (it is an Epic objective after all)
Domination Keystones & Assassins
- This patch brings a hefty buff to the Domination keystones, which will systemically buff most assassin users which are struggling as a result of Eyeball Collector being removed
- We undershot a bit on Evelynn and Kayn specifically, so a bit of an extra buff in addition to the keystone changes
Void Grubs
- A nerf to grubs as they’ve proven out to be pretty powerful; this will also be a small tap down to incentives to support roam.
Tank Jayce
- Jayce’s tank build has been creeping up over time, so we’re making some changes to bring it back down a bit relative to his fighter and squishier builds
Skarner, Viego, Wukong
- These are 3 of the strongest junglers in Elite and Pro right now
- Skarner in particular has been basically permabanned in Pro
- We’re bringing down some of his CC potential as a result”
Now for the buffs and nerfs for the champions. To prevent this page getting stupidly long, the rest of the info can be check out at the link above:
Champion Buffs
- [E] Whiplash buffs:
- Base damage increased 55/70/85/100/115 >>> 60/90/120/150/180
- [P-E] Empowered Whiplash base damage increased 75/100/125/150/175 >>> 80/120/160/200/240
- HP per level increased 100 >>> 103
- Base Mana Regeneration increased 7.6 >>> 8.2
- [R-P] Grandmaster-At-Arms base bonus magic damage on-hit increased 70/120/170 >>> 75/130/185
Kayn (Blue)
- [Base/Shadow Assassin-Q] Reaping Slash base damage increased 75/95/115/135/155 >>> 75/100/125/150/175
- [P] Soul Eater Life Steal increased 9/15/21% >>> 12/18/24% (based on levels 1/7/13)
- [W-P] Heightened Senses bonus Attack Speed increased 28/36/44/52/60% >>> 28/41/54/67/80%
- [W] Grand Entrance cooldown reduced 16/14.5/13/11.5/10 >>> 14/13/12/11/10 seconds
- [E] Wild Rush bonus Attack Speed duration increased 3 >>> 5 seconds
- [P] Ravenous Flock gained bonus HP per Soul Fragment increased 12 >>> 15
- [E] Nevermove AP ratio increased 60% >>> 70%
- Base Armor increased 33 >>> 35
- [Q] Death Sentence damage increased 100/150/200/250/300 (+90% AP) >>> 100/155/210/265/320 (+100% AP)
Champion Nerfs
- [Q] Noxious Blast AP ratio reduced 70% >>> 60%
- [W] Miasma AP ratio per second reduced 15% >>> 10%
- Base HP reduced 632 >>> 600
Jayce Tank Jaynk
- [Hammer-Q] To The Skies! damage adjusted 60/110/160/210/260/310 (+120% bAD) >>> 60/105/150/195/240/285 (+135% bAD)
- [Cannon-Q] Shock Blast damage adjusted 60/115/170/225/280/335 (+125% bAD) >>> 60/110/160/210/260/310 (+140% bAD)
- [Hammer-W] Lightning Field base damage per tick reduced 40/55/70/85/100/115 >>> 35/50/65/80/95/110
- [Cannon-R] Transform Mercury Hammer bonus magic damage on next attack adjusted 25/65/105/145 (+25% bAD) >>> 25/60/95/130 (based on levels 1/6/11/16) (+30% bAD)
Miss Fortune
- Base Armor reduced 28 >>> 25
- Armor per level reduced 4.2 >>> 4
- Base HP reduced 640 >>> 620
- Armor per level reduced 4.3 >>> 4
- Armor per level 4.8 >>> 4.5
- [E] Ixtal’s Impact stun duration reduced 1.5 >>> 1.1 second
- [E] Toxic Shot base damage on-hit reduced 14/27/40/53/66 >>> 9/23/37/51/65
- Base AD reduced 60 >>> 57
- [W] Warrior Trickster cooldown increased 18/17/16/15/14 >>> 20/19/18/17/16 seconds
- [E] Nimbus Strike bonus Attack Speed reduced 40/45/50/55/60% >>> 35/40/45/50/55%
When is League of Legends 25.S1.3 patch dropping?
We are expecting Riot to release the patch on 5th February, so one week from the time of publication.