Time and again, we’re told that influence on Twitter isn’t simply about the number of followers someone has. It’s about a number of different factors, from retweets to reach to interaction, and more. Twitter influence analytics service Klout takes all of these factors and sums them up into a Klout score, which it says is “the measurement of your overall influence online.”
Now, the company has released an extension for Google Chrome that brings its simple, one-number scoring metric directly to the Twitter.com interface.
The extension, dubbed simply Klout for Chrome, retrieves the Klout score for each person in your Twitter timeline and displays it next to their name as you browse Twitter on the site. Take a look:

How does the Klout score work? “The scores range from 1 to 100 with higher scores representing a wider and stronger sphere of influence. Klout uses over 35 variables on Facebook and Twitter to measure True Reach, Amplification Probability, and Network Score,” the company explains on its website.
According to the Klout blog, the extension is the product of a weekend hackathon it ran jointly with URL-shortener bit.ly.
“We’ve found it particularly useful when applied to Twitter lists,” writes Klout’s Philip Hotchkiss. “Now you can check out people’s relative influence within any Twitter list. Or conversely, it’s fun to build new Twitter lists based on people’s Klout scores.”