Home IoT answers the tough question: “What’s my dog doing all day?”

IoT answers the tough question: “What’s my dog doing all day?”

With two-thirds of employees owning a pet, innovative organizations are beginning to look for extra benefits they can offer as incentive to attract and keep talented individuals, especially among millennials.

One connected way to entice dog owners to your company comes from pet insurer Figo, who now offers a smart tracking system to take the worry off of a pet parent’s mind.

See also: My dog is more connected than your dog

Figo integrates “pet-cloud” technology with inexpensive healthcare plans that can actually give employers an edge in talent hiring. With Figo, your employees’ concerns about the puppy at home are eased away, and managing a pet’s life is made simple.

Figo puts your hound in the cloud

The Figo team’s passion for providing a different, better pet insurance was fueled from being surrounded by the creative energy of Chicago’s amazing technology ecosystem.  With a background in insurance, a love for pets and an obsession with technology, this team has created a platform focused entirely on making life easier for people and their pets.

So, sure, they offer a standard pet insurance package, but the best part is the Figo Tag technology that has a GPS tracking tool to keep track of where pets are in real time. Because we all want to really know what our dogs do all day while we’re at work.

The reality of today’s workplace is that more and more young employees are waiting to have children, opting to establish their careers first, and a majority of these individuals are passionate pet owners, who care deeply about their pets.

So smart companies are beginning to consider what matters most to their staff, in efforts to recruit and retain new talent.  With this in mind, employers can provide some great insurance benefits to their employees through Figo, as well as the personal pet cloud for every employee and the real-time monitoring.


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