Editor’s note: This post was originally published by our partners at PopSugar Tech.
Just make our smartwatch dreams come true, Apple! The company filed for a watch-like patent in February 2013 — and gadget geeks have been anticipating high tech iOS arm candy for some time now.
What would Jony Ive-designed wearable tech look like? Many artists have taken a stab at imagining what an iWatch would look like, but we think the concepts from these six studios are the closest to what will be the real thing.
All-Clear Display
FuelBand Inspired
Initial Sketch of the FuelBand Inspired-iWatch
Glossy White Cuff
Glossy White Cuff
Slim and Skinny
Slim and Skinny
A “C” Option
A “C” Option
A Very Early Concept
A Very Early Concept
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Updated on March 6 to correct the date reference to Apple’s smartwatch patent filing