When it comes to UI design, Apple’s iOS evolves pretty slowly. They rolled out one of the biggest enhancements to its mobile operating system this year with the launch of iOS 5. A radically redesigned notification system was the biggest visual overhaul and prior to that, there was the addition of folders in iOS 4.

Whenever the next big upgrade to iOS’s look and feel may be, a few hints about what might be included can be found in one of Apple’s latest hires. Jan-Michael Cart, a mass media arts student in Athens, Georgia announced that he was hired by the company as a design intern.
Cart is best known for producing UI design concepts for iOS and posting them online. One of his ideas includes Lion-style multitouch swiping between applications, which works by holding down the Home button and swiping from side to side with three fingers. Other proofs of concept include improvements to the OS’s Notifications Center and a desktop client for iMessage, something that’s rumored to be in Apple’s pipeline.
Cart also put together a video prototype showing dynamic icons on the iOS home screen. The redesigned icons include fluid animations and live data about recent activity from within the app. For example, rather than a static red circle showing the number of notifications, the Facebook iOS app might show what kind of notifications they are. Are they mentions? Wall posts? Messages? Friend requests? Dynamic icons can provide more context while still maintaining a fluid and simplified design.
These ideas apparently have enough merit in the eyes of the company to warrant their bringing Cart on board to help execute a few of them. It’s not the first time Apple has hired people who have tinkered with their products and come up with viable ideas. The company famously hired known iOS jailbreaker Nicholas Allegra, also known as @Comex as an intern in August of this year.