Home Intel and Toyota Team up on vehicle Infotainment

Intel and Toyota Team up on vehicle Infotainment

Intel and Toyota Motor announced Wednesday that the two companies are going to be working together to define “next-generation in-vehicle infotainment (IVI) systems” enabling new usage models for mobile device connectivity in the car.
They are going to be working together to adapt features that drivers and passengers use in the latest consumer electronic devices to an automotive environment, the companies said. Citing information provided by wireless electronics consortium Mobile Future, Intel said the connected car is the third-fastest growing technological device, following smartphones and tablets.

“Through this joint effort, we hope to improve the driving experience by enabling a seamless connection between mobile devices and the vehicle so when brought together they naturally adapt and work in harmony,” said Staci Palmer, general manager of Intel’s Automotive Solutions division, in a statement.

Silicon solutions serving the infotainment and telematics market are expected to rise from $5.6 billion in 2010 to $8.7 billion in 2018, according to Strategy Analytics.
Intel and Toyota said they aim to integrate advanced technologies in the vehicle in a more intuitive manner that reduces driver distraction. To accomplish this, the companies will focus research on developing a user interaction methodology including touch, gesture and voice technologies as well as information management for the driver. Intel will also work to optimize these features and services using the Intel’s Atom processors.
Intel and Toyota will also explore emerging connectivity technologies and effective ways to integrate vehicles with the home to provide a seamless connection across all areas of people’s lives, the companies said.
Source EE Times

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