What MeegGo event would be complete without Justin Noel from ICS showing us his In Vehicle Demonstration ? NONE. We initially bumped Justin at the first ever MeeGo Conference in Dublin 2010 and now we meet at the MeeGo Summit Finland 2010 (also CES and MWC).
In this video (near the bottom) Justin shows the Automotive IVI system with a flashy User Interface (UI). It integrates Automotive equipment with different states and transitions. The excellent graphics are produced by exporting Photoshop graphics to QML which natively supports States and Transitions. For the first time we also see OVI mapping as a QML Map item which is available in QML Mobility 1.2 (secondary Qt Library).
If you would like to see how this is built, the Source Code available from ICS.com
About Justin Noel
Senior Consulting Engineer
Integrated Computer Solutions (ICS)
Justin is a senior consulting engineer and Qt Certified instructor at Integrated Computer Solutions, Inc. (ICS). He has taught Qt 3 and Qt 4 material for both public and on-site courses and has written and conducted seminars on Object-Oriented GUI Design techniques. Justin has recently become the star of ICS’ podcast series, This Week in Qt, where he regularly comments on current Qt and MeeGo news and events. Justin has a degree in Computer Engineering Technology from Northeastern University and enjoys gadget tinkering, fixing cars, and playing hockey in his spare time.