Greplin, the company behind the universal search tool we covered last year, has open-sourced several tools for Tornado and Twisted, such as Tornado clients for sending e-mail with Amazon SES and SendGrid.
Tornado is the non-blocking Web server built with Python by FriendFeed, and Twited is a Python-based event-driven networking engine.
The tools are:
- greplin-twisted-utils: Utility library with functions for Deferred objects, DNS caching, and more.
- greplin-tornado-kissmetrics: Asynchronous client for KISSmetrics.
- greplin-tornado-mixpanel: Asynchronous client for Mixpanel.
- greplin-tornado-ses: Asynchronous client for Amazon’s Simple Email Service.
- greplin-tornado-sendgrid: Asynchronous client for SendGrid.
- greplin-tornado-stripe: Asynchronous client for Stripe.
Event-driven programming tools are right now. Apart from Tornado, Twister and, of course, Node.js there are also EventMachine for Ruby and Perl Object Environment. See also Mongrel2, a Web server with support for event based IO.