Home Govee Lyra Floor Lamp Review

Govee Lyra Floor Lamp Review

I love the Govee Lyra Floor Lamp.  This floor lamp can light up any space — especially a dull one, and make it appear mysterious. It’s bright enough to enjoy your party moments for work or home — playing games, eating and visiting, yet subtle enough for a great ambiance.

Govee Lyra Floor Lamp

We have used the Govee Lyra Floor Lamp (Model: H6072) several times in the past several months and have had many positive comments. It is only slightly nauseating to have the floor lamp be more interesting than my sweet self — but what do you do? And I feel the same way — this is a piece you can’t take your eyes off. When I say “mystery,” I mean mystery. Everyone takes a moment to take a look at the lamp when they come into my place. Truly a showpiece and fun on top of that.

govee lyra floor lamp
Govee Lyra Floor Lamp; Model: H6072

Yes, the Govee Lyra Floor Lamp has a timeless minimalist design — it’s futurist and modern, but I pair it with my antiques.

The Govee has cutting-edge RGBICWW technology that lets you savor multiple colors — or white. You can customize this light from 16 million total colors and 2200k-6500k warm/cool white.

govee lyra floor lamp specs
Specs, govee lyra floor lamp

The floor lamp is an upscale way to provide ambiance for hosting get-togethers, watching movies — or just relax.

The lamp pairs well with Alexa and Google Assistant, so you don’t have to touch it.

Hop on the Govee Instagram site and look for great ways to decorate for parties, events, and fun. You’ll have a great time figuring out how you will light your next event with all of the displays that are shown.

Image Credit: taken from the us.govee.com site; thank you!

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Deanna was an editor at ReadWrite until early 2024. Previously she worked as the Editor in Chief for Startup Grind, Editor in Chief for Calendar, editor at Entrepreneur media, and has over 20+ years of experience in content management and content development.

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