Fresh Hot Radio is a slick new web application that aims for some very specific objectives: High quality, fresh, free-to-download independent music that you can start listening to right away. Part Pandora, part YTMND, and as minimalistic as you can get, Fresh Hot Radio always brings hand-picked, high-energy tracks that you can enjoy while you work.
This new project by Lucas Gonze differentiates itself from other Internet-based music sites by actually taking away confusing choices from the listener. While this may run counter to common sense, for what it is doing it actually makes sense. Think about this: When you are in the car, you choose a radio station and then prepare yourself to enjoy the music. The station you choose makes the decision on what music to play.
And in a way that process is a very conducive way to listen to music that you haven’t heard before. Just tune in and get on with your life. Soon you will hear a track you really like and think, I have to have this! On a site like Pandora or Last.FM, usually that means going out and buying the track. But since everything on Fresh Hot Radio is born on the Internet, free to download, you simply click on the link provided and get it. Mission accomplished.
We think Fresh Hot Radio hits its design goals perfectly. We’ve been listening to it for over an hour and the music has been great. If we want to keep a copy of the music, it’s just a click away, and the site even has a URL and embed code for each track. We’d say it’s the perfect accompaniment to our work day.