Home Samsung Gear 360, limited availability in the United States for $349

Samsung Gear 360, limited availability in the United States for $349

The Samsung Gear 360 camera was originally launched at this years Mobile World Congress held in Barcelona, Spain. Now we see that the camera, that has the unique feature of being able to take 360 degree video, has gone on sale in the United States. This is a limited release for the camera before the actual nationwide / global release.

“We want to bring the power of VR technology directly to the people,” Samsung Electronics America’s Chief Marketing Office Marc Mathieu said in a press release. “To help creators learn and perfect the art of VR storytelling, we’ve built an entire VR ecosystem that pushes beyond the frame and empowers them to develop unforgettable, immersive stories, and inspires us to do the same.”

The device is a compact self-standing camera that features a dual-fish-eye lens that is able to capture “immersive” video. Inside we find a dedicated image processor that has the job of stitching together all the frames to create 3,840 x 1,920 video resolution or pictures up to 30 megapixels.
You can grab the Gear 360 at the VidCon convention in Anaheim, California this week for $350, and there are only limited supplies. If you want one, you really need to get down there FAST.

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