If you are looking to hone your blackjack skills, keep reading this blackjack chart guide. Here, we’ll help you master the so-called perfect blackjack strategy for every variation of the game. To do this, we’ll go over each chart type and give you some crucial tips on how to use them.
What Is a Blackjack Strategy Chart?
A blackjack strategy chart, also referred to as a basic strategy chart, is a chart that outlines the best mathematical way to play all possible hands in a blackjack game.
By following the recommendations on the blackjack table chart, the house edge is kept at an intended level. It also removes a lot of guesswork from the casual game and gives you a solid base to start mastering card counting.
Even professional blackjack players need to consult it from time to time, as the strategy changes for each version of the game. It should be noted, though, that not all casinos permit the use of physical charts at the table, so it’s always better to memorize the chart if possible.
While blackjack strategy charts enhance the player’s chances, they do not offer a sure-shot victory. Blackjack is still based on chance, and the casino will always have a small advantage over the players.
Blackjack Strategy Chart Explains When To:
The blackjack strategy chart provides clear guidelines on optimal play for every possible hand. Here’s a quick guide on when to take specific actions based on strategy.
Hit or Stand
- Hit: When your hand is 12-6, and the dealer’s up card is 7 or higher
- Stand: When you have 17 or higher, or when you have 13-16 and the dealer’s up card is 6 or lower.
Split Pairs
- Always, regardless of the game version, split a pair of Aces and a pair of 8s
- Never split a pair of 5s or a pair of 10s
- Split 2s, 3s, or 7s if the dealer’s up card is 7 or lower
- Split 6s if the dealer’s up card is 6 or lower
- Split 9s if the dealer’s up card is 8 or lower, except 7
Double Down
- Double on 11 unless the dealer shows an Ace
- Double on 10 if the dealer’s up card is 9 or lower
- Double on 9 if the dealer’s up card is 3-6
- Double on soft 16-18 (A-5 to A-7) if the dealer’s up card is 4-6
- Surrender 16 against dealer’s 9, 10, or Ace
- Surrender 15 against the dealer’s 10
- Some charts recommend surrendering a pair of 8s against the dealer’s Ace
Learning Blackjack Strategy
Anyone who wants to play blackjack and use the perfect strategy should know the basic blackjack rules. After all, the charts are constructed for players who fully understand how the game works.
This is a unique casino game because the decisions you make actually influence the final result. When you use blackjack hand chart it is possible to minimize the house edge to less than 1% in certain versions of the game.
You might not win 50% of the hands, but remember that the chart specifically tells you to hit, stand, double down, and split pairs or when to surrender. So there will be instances when you recover or mitigate losses through this strategy.
What is the Basic Strategy in Blackjack?
The blackjack basic or blackjack perfect strategy chart is based on computer simulations that have analyzed millions of hands to develop the play that is most profitable in the long run. If you use it together with some bankroll management strategies, you might find it really useful.
Order of Steps in Basic Blackjack Strategy
To make decisions using the basic blackjack strategy, follow these steps in order:
Step 1: Should You Surrender?
Consider whether or not it is the right move to surrender according to the cards in your hand and the dealer’s up card. If surrender is allowed and in your best interest, surrender. If not, proceed to the next step. For instance, surrender a hard 16 (but not a pair of 8s) against a dealer’s 9, 10, or Ace.
Step 2: Should You Split?
Determine if your hand contains pairs that should be split. Refer to the splitting guidelines to decide if splitting is advantageous. If not, proceed to the next step. For instance, always split Aces and 8s, never split 5s or 10s, and split 2s, 3s, or 7s if the dealer’s upcard is 7 or lower.
Step 3: Should You Double?
Check if doubling down is favorable, depending on the cards you have in your hand and the dealer’s upcard. If it is, double your bet; otherwise, proceed to the next step. For instance, double on 11 unless a dealer has an Ace; and double on 10 if the dealer has a 9 or lower upcard.
Step 4: Should You Hit or Stand?
Finally, decide whether to hit or stand based on your remaining cards and the dealer’s upcard. Consult the basic blackjack chart to get the best options. For example, hit on 12-16 when the dealer’s upcard is 7 or more and stand on 17 or more, or when you have 13-16 with the dealer’s upcard being 6 or less.
How Do You Read a Blackjack Chart?
Understanding how to read a blackjack chart, also known as a blackjack basic strategy chart is crucial if you want to make the most optimal decision possible based on mathematical probability. These charts tell players how to act based on their hand and the upcard of the dealer.
To read blackjack charts, first find your hand total along the left column of the chart and find the dealer’s up card across the top row. Where the two ends of these lines cross will be the signal for the recommended action.
Generally, it features color coding as well as symbols to ensure that one can easily understand it at first glance. Common abbreviations are ‘H’ for hit, ‘S’ for stand, ‘D’ for double down, and ‘P’ for split. The chart may also reduce the size of the font of certain labels or use different colors to group certain actions that are similar.
It is necessary to point out that the chart assumes you are playing with a particular number of decks and sets of rules. So, make sure you use a chart that matches the game you are playing.
Can You Use a Blackjack Chart in a Casino?
Using blackjack strategy charts is generally accepted and legal in most casinos across the world. However, some blackjack rules may differ depending on the casino and its location. For example, the Nevada Gaming Control Board ruling for Las Vegas states that players are allowed to use strategy cards at the tables so long as they don’t slow down the game pace.
Typically casinos do not mind players using strategy charts as they don’t give players any unfair advantage. All they do is allow gamblers to play at an intended house edge. In fact, some casinos are selling strategy cards in their gift shops which confirms that their use is allowed.
Although strategy charts are typically allowed, any type of electronic equipment or any gadgets that could be used in card counting is prohibited. Therefore if you want to use a strategy chart, then it is advisable to bring a portable copy.
Also, just to be safe, consult the floor manager or another casino employee to ensure their policy allows the use of charts. And make sure you specify what chart you’ll be using. This is the best way to avoid uncomfortable situations.
Why Use an Online Blackjack Strategy Chart?
Using an online blackjack strategy chart provides many advantages for players looking to improve their gaming experience. Here are some of the main benefits of using strategy charts in this game.
- Accessibility: Online charts are easily available and can be viewed from any device with an internet connection. This means that you can play and refer to the chart at any given time and place.
- Customization: Most of the online charts provide an option where you can enter particular game rules, such as number of decks or whether the dealer hits on soft 17. This customization makes sure you are using the right strategy for that particular variation.
- Interactive learning: Some of the online charts offer interactive features where you can enter new values and get the suggested course of action. This can be a more fun way of mastering and memorizing the strategy as compared to reading it from a guide.
- Cost-effective: Most of the online charts are free or very low-cost, which makes them quite affordable to help you improve your blackjack skills.
- Up-to-date information: Online blackjack strategy chart is easily updated, providing optimal strategies based on new rules.
- Practice mode: All of the best blackjack casinos have free play or practice options where you can use the strategy chart without staking your actual money. It’s a good way to practice and learn how to use the chart fast before you decide to play for real.
- Improved decision-making: By consistently practicing with the online chart, your decision-making becomes faster and more efficient at the real tables.
How to Use the Blackjack Basic Strategy Chart
Here’s a quick step-by-step guide on how to use the basic blackjack strategy.
Step 1: Identify your hand
Study the cards that you have and find out your hand total.Step 2: Find the dealer's upcard
This will be at the top of the chart.Step 3: Find the intersection
Find the spot on the chart that tells you exactly what to do based on the cards in your hand the dealer’s upcard.Step 4: Follow the recommended action
The chart will show whether it is time to hit, stay, double, split, or surrender.Step 5: Practice and memorize
Start by practicing the right strategies in games. For many players, live online casinos are a good place to start. They offer live dealer blackjack, which plays at a slower pace compared to regular casinos. It gives you enough time to consult the chart and make your decision. In the long run, you will begin to memorize the right moves to make for a better game.
Single Deck Blackjack Chart
The single deck blackjack chart is tailored specifically for games using only one deck. When using this chart, pay close attention to Split and Double Down opportunities, as they appear more frequently in single-deck games.
The chart will often recommend more aggressive play, such as to double when the dealer’s up card is a 4, 5, or 6, or to hit and split when the pairs are 8s or aces.
It’s crucial to follow this chart precisely, as the reduced number of cards in play can significantly impact optimal strategy. Remember that while the house edge is generally lower in single-deck blackjack games, casinos often have rules to balance out this advantage.
For example, the cards dealt to players are face down, and the deck is re-shuffled every few hands. This is done to eliminate the chance of card counting, as it would be easy to keep track of cards when playing with a single deck.
Blackjack Soft 17 Chart
The blackjack soft 17 chart is developed for games where the dealer hits on soft 17 (an Ace and a 6). This rule somewhat gives the house a slightly higher edge, and that’s why you’ll notice that the blackjack soft 17 chart takes that into account.
It once again encourages you to play aggressively as it suggests doubling down more frequently or hitting on the hand combinations where you would usually stand.
4 – 8 Deck Blackjack Chart
The 4 – 8 deck blackjack chart is the most common chart, used for multi-deck games, which is a standard version. So, you’ll notice there are fewer scenarios where you double down, as there is no need to be too aggressive. However, some rules never change: always split aces and 8s, and never split 5s or 10s.
It is crucial to focus on the 4 – 8 deck blackjack chart recommendations concerning uncertain decisions because they can have a big impact on the results in the long run.
Double Deck Blackjack Chart
The double deck blackjack chart is specifically created for games that use two decks. In a way, it’s a middle ground between the single-deck and multi-deck format. Pay close attention to the rules for doubling after splitting (DAS), as this plays a crucial role in the overall strategy.
The chart may suggest somewhat bolder play than in multi-deck games but not as bold as in single-deck ones. As with any other, the double deck blackjack chart needs to be followed very carefully, as the optimal strategy for double-deck games has its own unique twists.
Blackjack Deviations Chart
Blackjack deviations chart is an advanced tool that is used together with the card counting methods. Unlike the basic strategy charts, this chart shows when it is appropriate to go against the standard play on the true count in card counting. Of course, to make full use of such a chart, you need to have a basic knowledge of the game and, at least, know how to count cards. In specific situations, the chart will point out whether the count is high or low enough that you need to rethink the basic strategy: for example, standing on a total of 16 against a dealer’s 10 when the count is very high.
Blackjack deviation charts should be used carefully because casinos frown upon card counting. Just bear in mind that these deviations are best used once you are confident in counting and can use them without drawing attention.
Specific Strategy Charts
Blackjack basic strategy chart is essential for players who want to maximize their chances of winning. Each chart is unique to a certain situation on the game table, which enables the player to make the right decision based on the dealt cards and the dealer’s up card. Let’s explore some of the most common types of blackjack strategy charts:
Blackjack Surrender Chart
Blackjack surrender chart informs players when they should surrender half of their bet and give up their hand. This chart is rather valuable for the games, that allow surrender, and in particular, for the late surrender option. Late surrender enables the players to fold their hand after the dealer checks on blackjack.
Moreover, the blackjack surrender chart usually shows situations where you should simply fold, for example, holding a hard 16 against the dealer’s 9, 10, or Ace. The surrender chart can then be used to avoid making more losses, especially when a player realizes that their position is weak.
Blackjack Split Chart
The blackjack split chart shows when it is best to split the pairs into two different hands. This chart is crucial when it comes to determining the potential winnings with paired hands. Generally, the blackjack split chart suggests always splitting the Aces and 8s while at the same time avoiding splitting the 10s and 5s.
Some split charts also include recommendations about re-splitting, which is allowed in some casinos. Re-splitting can be very useful with Aces because it allows you to have several good hands after splitting.
Blackjack Hit or Stand Chart (Soft Totals)
This is a blackjack hit or stand chart that focuses on soft hands, more specifically hands that include Ace which can be counted as either 1 or 11 without busting. The soft totals chart gives the player instruction on when to hit or when to stand depending on the player’s soft total and the dealer’s up-card.
It usually leans towards hitting or doubling down as this is a more beneficial combination, so your odds are better in most cases. Still, try to memorize the blackjack hit or stand chart to really know what to do in any given scenario.
Blackjack Hit Stand Chart (Hard Totals)
This blackjack hit stand chart tells you what to do when you don’t have aces or when you can only count Ace as “1.” In other words, you’ll be mostly using this table, as these situations are more common.
Tips for Playing Blackjack
It’s perfectly understandable if you find this style of play somewhat annoying. Constantly consulting the blackjack book charts to find the exact version of the game and then what to do doesn’t spell fun. So, if you want to just wing it and go with your gut it’s perfectly fine.
Here are some easy-to-memorize tips that were extracted from the blackjack rules chart that can help you.
Tip #1: Splitting pairs of aces is always a good idea
Splitting aces is considered one of the best options. When you’re dealt a pair of aces, you are actually in two weak hands (soft 12). By splitting them, you create two chances of drawing a 10-value card (10, Jack, Queen, or King) which would give you 21 or an instant win.
Even if you don’t hit 21, you still likely end up with 2 soft hands, which is advantageous. Certain game versions only allow you to hit once in each split hand, so make sure you play versions that give you more flexibility.
Tip #2: When you’ve got an ace, double down
Getting an ace gives you a decent chance of winning or hitting a blackjack that pays double in some cases. So doubling down on those hands is a good idea. Again you can also end up with a soft hand and get a good hand score overall.
In general, this move is most beneficial when the dealer’s up card is weak, typically a 2 through a 6. Now, if the dealer also has an Ace, maybe avoid doubling down because it’s no longer as safe.
Tip #3: Be aware of when to surrender
Surrender is a great option to salvage your losses when you start in an unfavorable position. This option enables you to surrender half of your bet and give up before hitting for the first time. It is usually wise to give up when you get a hard 15 against a dealer’s 10 or when you were dealt a hard 16 against a dealer’s 9, 10, or Ace.
In the US casinos, there is a so-called late surrender, which only allows you to walk away after the dealer checks for blackjack. So, if the dealer’s face-up card is ace or 10 then surrender isn’t automatically available.
Tip #5: Choose the right charts and strategies
Finally, if you are going to use strategy spreadsheets, always read the rules first and find the corresponding chart. As stated single deck blackjack chart has a different set of instructions than the one for a classic version. You should try it online on a demo version first to see if the guide is consistent.
Don’t Memorize Any Blackjack Chart Before Reading This
Before diving into memorizing a blackjack strategy chart, it’s essential to understand a few key points:
- Know the Rules: Some casinos and tables have different rules, including the number of decks that are shuffled, whether the dealer will hit on a soft 17, or if surrender is an option.
- Understand the Basics: Learn basic terms and actions such as hit, stand, double down, split, and surrender. Knowing these will help you follow the strategy chart well.
- Practice Makes Perfect: Begin with the chart in games that are not so competitive or try using it on virtual table games. This helps you to become familiar with the decisions without having to stake a lot of cash.
- Stay Consistent: Do not break away from the chart even if you are faced with short-term losses. The strategy is intended for the long term.
- Manage Your Bankroll: Money management is a very critical aspect when playing on blackjack betting apps or casinos. Fix a particular amount of money you intend to use to play a certain game, and don’t exceed that amount so as to avoid losing big amounts of money.
- Stay Focused: This is a game that demands focus. Stay concentrated and do not let anything distract your attention from the game.
Conclusion: Odds of Winning Blackjack with Basic Strategy
To sum up, using a blackjack basic strategy chart is one of the best ways to increase your odds of winning blackjack games. When you follow the basic strategy, the house edge is cut considerably, and in some cases, it is less than 1%. This will help you make the best mathematical choices to reduce losses and maximize the odds of victory.
Bear in mind that the perfect blackjack chart is designed for a long grind game. You don’t win 50% of the time but rather offset some of the losses through strategic splits, double downs, and hitting blackjack.
FAQs About Blackjack Strategy Charts
What is the difference between single-deck and multi-deck blackjack strategy charts?
How can a blackjack betting chart improve my game?
How do blackjack probability charts work?
What are some common mistakes when using a blackjack strategy chart?
Can I combine card counting with a strategy chart?
How can I practice using a blackjack strategy chart at home?
What is a blackjack payout chart, and how does it affect strategy?
Responsible Gambling and Risk Management
Taking precautions is always a good idea, no matter how confident you are in your abilities. Blackjack should be played responsibly in a healthy environment to make the most of the game. Therefore, setting your limits and having a steady gambling budget is a must. If you feel like gambling is becoming a problem for your finances and emotional state, feel free to seek help from these support organizations: