The giant lizard (if indeed it is a lizard) is rampaging around the island in Fortnite right now and one thing is for sure, taking him out yields big rewards for players lucky enough to get the kill, bit just locating him is tricky enough and that’s why we are here to help.
It may seem like every player in the game is currently rocking a Godzilla costume but these are not the droids we are looking for.
We are looking for a slightly bigger fish to fry and the more we play the greater the opportunity to catch one.
How to find Godzilla
The first thing to make clear is that the big G does not appear in every game on Fortnite, rather he is an occasional spawn into certain games, we know nothing about regularity or reasons why he appears in one game rather than another, just that he does.
When Godzilla does spawn however a portal will appear and only the first player there can enter it – that player will become Godzilla and get to control the ensuing rampage.
The rest of the players in the game then need to team up to take him down.
Depending on whether you are playing as Godzilla or as a player trying to kill him you will have different objectives. Godzilla can stomp around causing huge damage to map and also use his laser ray to destroy buildings. Another cool trick is that Godzilla can also reveal nearby players.
If you are on the other side of the fence however trying to inflict damage, the rewards can be great, as if, when, Godzilla is finally defeated the player causing the most damage will be rewarded with the Godzilla Medallion and the Burst Quad launcher.
If you are still on the hunt for Godzilla’s footprints to complete your quest too, then check out how to find them right here.