Home [Firmware] Samsung NX1 Smart Camera gets updated to version 1.22

[Firmware] Samsung NX1 Smart Camera gets updated to version 1.22

The Samsung NX1 is the Korean companies flagship Tizen semi-pro camera, and much has been said about its 4K recording ability and specs that are virtually not matched at that price point. Many have also commented on the rapid pace of software development that Samsung is doing on the NX1 and this makes a refreshing change that professional photographers are not used to.
We have been hearing of a major firmware update that Samsung is working on, that will bring with it some exciting features (no details at present), but until that arrives firmware version 1.22 has arrived. This is mainly a bug fix release.

Change Log

  • Fixed random body bug: 24fps, 23.98fps Movie recording horizontal noise
  • Disable of White Balance-Custom Set-Adjust option in the Movie STBY mode
  • Fixed minor bugs


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