Home Experts Tip Base Dawgz as the Next 100x Multi-Chain Meme Coin

Experts Tip Base Dawgz as the Next 100x Multi-Chain Meme Coin

Base coins quickly gains popularity, and Base Dawgz is one such coin, raising over $1 million in its presale in just a few days, making it a strong contender on the Base chain.

$DAWGZ’s impressive fundraising has attracted wealthy meme coin investors, many of whom are now optimistic about the token.

The project already has a large online community, and many believe $DAWGZ could become a top trending token after its launch.

The question is: will Base Dawgz be the next to rally and become a 100x crypto?

Base Dawgz gains popularity with influencers and media attention

The project has gained even more popularity since it was featured by prominent crypto YouTubers and influencers on social media channels.

Jacob Bury, a well-known crypto YouTuber, conducted a comparative analysis of Base meme coins, suggesting that Base Dawgz could emerge as a top performer in the coming weeks due to current demand.

In a recent YouTube video, Matthew Perry speculated that $DAWGZ could follow in Brett’s footsteps as the next big thing. Perry emphasized that the project’s utilities position it favorably compared to other meme coins.

Experts like ClayBro believe that $DAWGZ has the potential to mint millionaires, similar to several meme coins that have enriched small-scale investors. The key, they suggest, lies in investing in tokens early, before the fear of missing out (FOMO) sets in.

Additionally, the presale has garnered attention from major media outlets such as CryptoPotato, The Economic Times, and Finbold, underscoring its broad appeal. With an ideal launch environment and proactive community-focused initiatives, Base Dawgz has clearly made a strong and dynamic start.

Developers have hinted at future utility integrations on the project’s social media channels, suggesting significant potential for investor interest and profit opportunities in the near future.

Base Dawgz Telegram Community

For updates on the project and its developments, follow its official social media accounts on Telegram and (X) Twitter.

Multi-Chain crypto Base Dawgz raises $1.3 million in presale week

Base Dawgz (DAWGZ) successfully raised $1.3 million in its first week of presale, capturing the enthusiasm of cryptocurrency traders. The presale is active, and investors can currently purchase tokens at $0.00502 each.

However, this price will increase progressively throughout the campaign, with the next hike scheduled in three days. Potential investors can visit our guide on how to buy Base Dawgz tokens here.

The project, built on the Base chain, distinguishes itself with a multi-chain design that enables operations across various blockchain networks: Ethereum, Base, Solana, Coinbase’s Layer-2 chain, Binance Smart Chain, Polygon, and Avalanche.

Interoperability is notably facilitated by bridging protocols such as Portal Bridge and Wormhole. Wormhole, a decentralized universal message protocol, connects blockchains to ensure interoperability across blockchain ecosystems.

Portal Bridge, a cross-chain bridge built on Wormhole, enhances the usability and functionality of the $DAWGZ token. This multi-chain ecosystem sets the stage for potential groundbreaking use cases.

For those seeking the best crypto presales of 2024, dive into our comprehensive guide showcasing the most noteworthy options.

Base Dawgz referral rewards and staking

Base Dawgz, known for its dog-themed mascot leaping across blockchains, captivates with its memetic appeal and draws a dedicated following. Its popularity is buoyed by the current trend where six of the top ten meme coins share a dog theme. However, Base Dawgz remains proactive in its approach.

The project innovates with several distinctive utilities that set it apart from other meme coins. One such innovation is a refer-to-earn mechanism. Community members can earn a 10% commission in USDT for successfully referring others to the project’s presale, adding a significant incentive for involvement and community growth.

This feature could prove pivotal for Base Dawgz, as it encourages deeper engagement among community members who now have dual motivations – earning commissions and boosting the token’s value.

Additionally, Base Dawgz plans to introduce staking, although details of this initiative have yet to be fully disclosed. Tokenomics indicate that 20% of the total supply is allocated for staking rewards.

Staking has proven effective in balancing supply and demand dynamics by encouraging users to lock up their tokens, thereby reducing selling pressure while creating new demand. The project’s smart contract, audited by Solid Proof, ensures integrity and enhances investor confidence.

To participate in the $DAWGZ token presale, visit basedawgz.com.


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Alvin Hemedez

Alvin Hemedez is a cryptocurrency analyst, finding a talent for the technical side of blockchain with his background and degree in Industrial Engineering. Hailing from Los Baños, Calabarzon in the Philippines, Alvin's work experience includes managing the eCommerce side of Shopee PH, Singapore and South East Asia's equivalent of Amazon with a base in the Philippines. Alvin's current news coverage on ReadWrite includes a special focus on emerging projects and new ICOs.

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