Social media-fueled personalized magazine app Flipboard announced today that they’ve seen 1 million new users as a result of launching their iPhone app last week.

The app has long been beloved by owners of the iPad, the only device on which it was available until recently. By bringing the app to the iPhone, the Palo Alto-based startup made good on a promise they had been making for several months.
Demand for the Flipboard iPhone app was so high that it crashed servers the morning after it launched and the service’s apps on both iPad and iPhone experienced issues. These early launch hiccups apparently weren’t enough to dissuade new users from trying out the uber-hyped app.
It was a busy week last week for this breed of news reading applications. On top of Flipboard’s news came an update to Flud, a Zite app for iPhone and Google’s launch of Google Currents, a somewhat underwhelming Flipboard competitor for iOS and Android.
Flipboard, which was named App of the Year by Apple last year, remains the leader of this particular space for now, as crowded as it’s becoming.
The next logical step for Flipboard, especially if it wants this growth to continue, is to put out a version of its beloved social reading app for Android. Cofounder Evan Doll told us in a call last week that an Android app is a top priority for the company, but declined to give even a rough timeline for its launch.