Home Dead by Daylight’s next survivor is no cowering victim, she’s Lara Croft

Dead by Daylight’s next survivor is no cowering victim, she’s Lara Croft


  • Lara Croft joins Dead by Daylight as a survivor in the new Tomb Raider chapter, launching July 16.
  • Leaks and rumors about her addition were confirmed by Behaviour Interactive after weeks of speculation.
  • Her character comes with unique perks: Finesse, Hardened, and Specialist, enhancing her survival skills.

One of the worst-kept secrets in live-service games this year can finally be confirmed: Lara Croft will join the lineup of survivors in the asymmetrical, multiplayer survival horror game Dead By Daylight.

In a post on X, Behaviour Interactive confirmed the Tomb Raider hero is already available in Dead By Daylight’s public test build, and will join the full game with an official Tomb Raider chapter beginning July 16.

This follows a solid two weeks of leaks, datamines, and other rumors that outed her as the game’s newest Survivor crossover, giving everyone time to nosh on the idea of Croft as a mincing terror victim who runs from a B-movie slasher instead of just whipping out a large-caliber sidearm and blowing him away.

The cocked-up reveal got going a couple of weeks ago with a bulletin from a noted X leaker that the hall-of-fame character was coming to the game. The leaker had previously been right about Dead by Daylight crossovers involving Alien, Alan Wake, and Dungeons & Dragons, but Behaviour Interactive kept mum.

Over the weekend, a Redditor posted a picture of an official-looking Dead by Daylight poster featuring the Tomb Raider star. Then, as Kotaku notes, Eurogamer accidentally hit send on a preview on Monday that read like a pretty solid confirmation of the collab. Eurogamer later pulled the article but, lo and behold, it returned Tuesday morning once Behaviour Interactive made things official at 11 a.m. EDT.

“With her experiences and skillset, Lara Croft perfectly embodies the characteristics needed to survive in The Fog and is right at home in the world of Dead by Daylight alongside other iconic characters,” Behaviour Interactive said in a news release. “Though she may be well-prepared for the Trials ahead, in the Entity’s twisted world, the future is never promised.”

Lara Croft demonstrating her fast vault capability in Dead by Daylight by leaping through a windowsill.

How does Lara Croft play in Dead by Daylight?

With Croft comes three perks specific to her character: Finesse, which grants quicker “fast vaults”; Hardened, which in lieu of a terrified shriek reveals the Killer’s aura for anywhere from 3 to 5 seconds; and “Specialist,” which grants extra bonuses when rummaging chests for useful items to either kill the Killer or get out of Dodge.

Dead by Daylight’s most recent crossover was the D&D collab, which introduced Vecna as a killer, plus two more playable survivors. Other video game franchises have lent their heroes to the game, in addition to Alan Wake. Silent Hill 3 is represented with Cheryl Mason, and Resident Evil by Jill Valentine and Leon Kennedy.

Featured image via DeadByDaylight.com

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Owen Good
Gaming Editor (US)

Owen Good is a 15-year veteran of video games writing, also covering pop culture and entertainment subjects for the likes of Kotaku and Polygon. He is a Gaming Editor for ReadWrite working from his home in North Carolina, the United States, joining this publication in April, 2024. Good is a 1995 graduate of North Carolina State University and a 2000 graduate of The Graduate School of Journalism, Columbia University, in New York. A second-generation newspaperman, Good's career before covering video games included daily newspaper stints in North Carolina; in upstate New York; in Washington, D.C., with the Associated Press; and…

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