A Computerworld survey confirms what a Harris Interactive survey found in July: about 36% of IT workers are looking for a new job. Harris found 37%. Approximately 25% of IT workers polled by Computerworld are making less than they were two years ago. However, unemployment figures released today are grim. Will workers actually be able to find new jobs to jump to?
Computerworld says it’s still an employer’s market, even in IT: “Job ads are much more specific and often include a list of exacting technical requirements, said IT professionals interviewed for this story.” Hyper-specificity has been a problem for IT job seekers for years, but perhaps employers are better able to get away with it now.
Organizations should still be concerned with the growing dissatisfaction among workers, however. The best skilled workers will always have other options, and disgruntled workers are never a good thing. As we noted in July, the AP has reported only 45% of workers overall are happy with their jobs, and the Wall Street Journal reports more workers are quiting their jobs.
Higher salaries aren’t the only answer, either: more (or clearer) career advancement opportunities will also help. In Computerworld’s survey, 46% of respondents reported being less satisfied with their advancement opportunities than they were six months ago. Only 14% said they are more satisfied.
Providing a road map for career growth was one of our suggestions for improving IT worker morale.
Photo by The Trial