I recently downloaded the mIRC client and have been checking out the Freenode IRC network. The few times I’ve logged in there haven’t been many people about – mainly because I live in New Zealand and so my time zone is out of whack with the northern hemisphere. But tonight (Saturday night my time) I had a nice chat with Seb Paquet and Suw Charman on the #kmtalk channel. The other channels I’ve discovered so far are #joiito and #technorati.
Seb pointed me to a Topic Exchange wiki page for topics as meeting points, which is something I’m interested in exploring further with the community. e.g. Person-centered versus Topic-centered is something I’ve written about in the past.
Even though my time zone and personal schedule prevent a full-on participation in the IRC world, I hope to pop back into #kmtalk and the other tech channels of freenode in the coming weeks. Maybe I’ll see you there!