What is Box 2D (according to Wikipedia) ?
Box2D is a free open source 2-dimensional physics simulator engine written in C++ by Erin Catto and published under the zlib license. It has been used in Crayon Physics Deluxe, Rolando, Fantastic Contraption, Incredibots, Angry Birds, Transformice, Stripe physics and many online Flash games,[3] as well as iPhone, iPad and Android games using the Corona framework.
Which nicely brings us onto Michael Sheldons Article:
I’ve just built some Box2D and Box2D-QML packages for Harmattan. The Box2D-QML package is especially interesting, this wraps the Box2D API as QObjects allowing them to be made use of directly from within QML. So you don’t need any extra C++ to handle physics simulation for simple games or similar. Here’s a short video of one of the demos running on an N950:
The source code for the above demo can be seen in the Box2D-QML repository here: Monera Example and thanks to these wrappers is very simple.
Packages for the N9/N950 can be found in my OBS repository, simply download <Please refer to Source site below> into /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ and run apt-get update to make the repository available on your device, or just download the packages you’re interested in directly from http://repo.pub.meego.com/home:/elleo/Harmattan/armel/.
Many thanks to the Box2D and Box2D-QML teams for creating such nice tools, I’d certainly recommend them to anyone interested in 2D game development on the N9/N950 phones.
Source Michael Sheldon’s Stuff