Box announced the Box Mobile Dev Challenge for Android, iOS and webOS developers. The best enterprise apps with Box integration can win prizes including up to $25,000 cash, InMobi ad network credits and the chance to pitch your your idea to the venture capital firm Draper Fisher Jurvetson.
I will be part of the panel of judges, along with other tech bloggers and representatives from the contest’s sponsors.
The prizes:
- 1st Place: $25,000 Cash, $5,000 InMobi Ad Network Spend, and a Pitch Meeting with Draper Fisher Jurvetson
- 2nd Place: $10,000 Cash, $5,000 InMobi Ad Network Spend, and a Pitch Meeting with Draper Fisher Jurvetson
- Top ten best apps: Each of the top ten apps will receive a brand new HP TouchPad.
Here’s what we’re going to be looking for:
We’re looking for the next generation of enterprise-grade mobile applications that will enable workers to be as productive in the field as they are in the office.
Judges will be looking for apps that are innovative and useful to the mobile workforce. These can either be generally useful, like tools for project management or document annotation, or industry-specific, such as helping doctors or lawyers handle workflows and day-to-day responsibilities unique to their professions.
Finally, we want to see apps that are deeply integrated with the Box functionality. Go beyond uploading and downloading files, instead, think about how you can leverage the advanced functionality of the Box platform to really wow the judges. Include tags, comments, contacts and search features to create powerful apps that are truly collaborative and you may find yourself with not just $25,000, but also a strong start to your new business.
The contest is sponsored by Draper Fisher Jurvetson, InMobi, HP, Verizon and AT&T.
For rules and more information check out the contest site.