Home Bemis Air Purifier Review

Bemis Air Purifier Review

Recently I received a “Tower Air Purifier” by  Bemis Air Purifier to review. What a delight it has been to try this air purifier out. Even before plugging in the Bemis Air Purifier Tower — I was sold. The reason? Bemis sent two refill filters with the unit! I have a different air filter machine sitting in my utility closet waiting for a refill filter, and I keep forgetting to order it — and Bemis sent me two with the tower. Each refill filter lasts about a year with regular usage.

Bemis Choose Options
Bemis Choose Options

H13 True HEPA Filter — Eliminates Fine Dust Particles

Two issues exist where I live. One — I live by the freeway and work next to the freeway. Two big life-threatening problems, especially because of asthma. The second issue is that the new place I moved into had had animals — another asthma issue. I was not able to replace all the carpeted surfaces before moving in, so I have suffered from allergies.

Bemis Eliminate Fine Particles
Bemis Eliminate Fine Particles

Enter the Bemis Air Tower — Wha-La — Clean Air

I put the filter in my bedroom — because that’s when I have the toughest time breathing, and my other filter is waiting for a new filter. I determined to give this new filter two weeks to decide its efficacy — but the first night — perfect — better breathing.

Filters Bemis
Filters Bemis

Generally, I have a true Hepa Filter installed on my furnace/ac system when I move into a new place, but I haven’t been able to install one yet with this move and may not have to with the Bemis running.

Bemis Aromatherapy
Bemis Aromatherapy

Sometimes I’m sensitive to smells that are too strong, so I haven’t tried out the aromatherapy from Bemis (which is also included in the order). I’ve ordered a Bemis Air Purifier Tower for my office and may try the aromatherapy there before clients come in.


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Deanna was an editor at ReadWrite until early 2024. Previously she worked as the Editor in Chief for Startup Grind, Editor in Chief for Calendar, editor at Entrepreneur media, and has over 20+ years of experience in content management and content development.

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