Home Steam’s Larian Publisher Sale sees Baldur’s Gate 3 get a hefty discount at last

Steam’s Larian Publisher Sale sees Baldur’s Gate 3 get a hefty discount at last

Digital games service Steam has launched a sale in conjunction with Baldur’s Gate 3 developer Larian Studios that sees a host of famous games heavily reduced from the regular RRP.

Running from now until 9th September, gamers who have somehow managed to avoid the clutches of one of the best videogames of all time, winner of countless awards and 2023’s Game of the Year, Baldur’s Gate 3, now get the opportunity to pick it up with 20% off the regular cost.

This means you can currently pick up the game for $47.99 / £39.99.

The only other time BG3’s price has been anywhere near this low is during the Steam Summer Sale according to SteamDB.

Beyond Baldur’s Gate 3 though, which many people already have in their Steam Libraries are a number of other games that are worth checking out and picking up while on offer.

Larian’s earlier RPG classics from the Divinity series are all on offer with steep discounts between 70%-85%, meaning you can pick up the Divinity Original Sin Enhanced Edition for just a few dollars. If you are a big fan of BG3 and looking for something in a similar vein to sink your teeth into, this will be a good option for many.

Also currently running until the 9th of September is Steam’s Space Exploration Fest which has just about every space game imaginable on sale and there are many hours of gameplay on offer.

Permanent sales-fodder Stellaris has 75% off but also worth picking up are The Invincible, Astroneer, and very definitely No Man’s Sky with its new update if you don’t own it already. In fact, NMS is currently 60% off and is a no-brainer purchase if you like exploration and crafting.

Finally, if you want to run your own space agency, 2015’s Kerbal Space Program will test your brain to its very limits and you try to send your little Kerbals into orbit. KSP is 75% off until the 9th.

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Paul McNally
Gaming Editor

Paul McNally has been around consoles and computers since his parents bought him a Mattel Intellivision in 1980. He has been a prominent games journalist since the 1990s, spending over a decade as editor of popular print-based video games and computer magazines, including a market-leading PlayStation title published by IDG Media. Having spent time as Head of Communications at a professional sports club and working for high-profile charities such as the National Literacy Trust, he returned as Managing Editor in charge of large US-based technology websites in 2020. Paul has written high-end gaming content for GamePro, Official Australian PlayStation Magazine,…

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