Home The Gear S2 gets an ARTIK Cloud Companion App on Google Play Store

The Gear S2 gets an ARTIK Cloud Companion App on Google Play Store

The recently announced open cloud platform from Samsung – The ARTIK Cloud is all set to extend the connectivity features of the Gear S2 with its services. The Gear S2 now has a companion ARTIK Cloud app currently available for its connected Android phones via the gear manager app. Once the user authenticates and connects his/her Gear S2 on the ARTIK cloud, it will be able to receive all the sensor data from the Tizen based smartwatch like the gyroscope, pedometer, accelerometer, heart rate and health tracking. In addition to this, information from apps like the Nike+ Running and evernote can now be used to interact with other devices and offer services which wouldn’t have been possible with just the smartwatch itself.
The integration of Gear S2 into the ARTIK Cloud also enables you to control all your IoT devices like the Samsung SmartThings appliances, Philips Hue Light and even modules built on development boards like the ARTIK Boards. The Companion app is required to be always connected to the Gear Manager via Bluetooth on the user’s smartphone which essentially means that you’ll always have to have your phone around in order to make use of all the ARTIK Cloud services, which kind of seems like a bummer for now but that can be expected to work standalone in the future.
Speaking of the ARTIK Cloud, have a look at the ARTIK Cloud Challenge that is currently live where you could win some great prizes if you have a crazy idea running in your mind.

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