If you have ever played Bohemia Interactive’s hardest of hardcore military simulators you will know that it only takes one second for a lot of things to happen. You can die in a second for example. You can snipe your enemy in a second, for another. In the world of “do things properly or you are dead” of ARMA III, one second is a lifetime.
Speaking of which, the team at Bohemia just used a single second of a nearly two-hour classical concert celebrating their 25 years in existence to flash up a single screen – almost subliminally that simply said, “ARMA4 – Coming 2027”.
Now bearing in mind that ARMA III came out back in 2013 that is a 14-year hiatus (although we have had major expansions and the much more recent ARMA Reforger). Reforger became the first ARMA title to appear on consoles and was designed as a lighter-weight test to see how the series could be ported to controllers – ARMA is often memed upon for its insane amount of key binds in the PC version, with seemingly the entire keyboard in play for various options.
The wait until 2027 is a long one though and it certainly means the consoles that we see it on will not be the current batch. Indeed I look forward to playing it on my PC and its new Nvidia 8090, possibly via a chip in my brain.
The live concert featured music from ARMA and Reforger as well as others and was performed by the Czech National Symphony Orchestra. As it drew towards the end of the final piece with ARMA music being the focus alongside a cinematic video of soldiers at war, a screen flashed up for literally no time at all and was gone just as quickly, but it was enough to get fans talking. If you want to see the moment for yourself it is at 1 hour 47 minutes and 30 seconds. Blink and you will miss it.
If you enjoy video game music recreated like this however we recommend watching the whole thing, and if you like it so much you want to see some performed live, we spoke earlier in the week about the new upcoming PlayStation concert that is going on tour around the world.