Home Apple and Spotify real deal to show pricing info to EU users

Apple and Spotify real deal to show pricing info to EU users


  • Apple allows Spotify to display pricing info in its iOS app for EU users after a lengthy battle.
  • Spotify accepts Apple's terms but won't include external purchase links to avoid paying commissions.
  • Spotify continues to advocate for more consumer rights and better in-app experiences.

After a long battle, Apple has given Spotify approval to display pricing information in its iOS app for users in the EU.

This decision comes more than three months after the iPhone maker rejected the move due to Spotify not accepting Apple’s Music Streaming Services Entitlement.

While the Swedish company has said they are now accepting the terms, its app will not include an external link to make purchases as this would require paying Apple a commission on the transactions.

“Starting today, Spotify is opting into Apple’s “entitlement” for music streaming services, created after the European Commission’s ruling,” writes the company in a statement.

“This means we will finally be able to offer something as obvious as it is overdue: iPhone consumers in the EU will now see pricing information for Spotify in the app and the fact that they can go to our website to purchase items directly.”

Users will also be able to see promotional pricing and the cost of this once the campaign ends, along with all necessary pricing information. This is what Android users have been able to see the whole time.

Spotify says ‘the fight continues’ with Apple

In an updated section on a blog post titled ‘The European Commission Confirms, Apple’s Anti-Competitive Behavior is Illegal and Harms Consumers,’ Spotify explains its thoughts on the changes.

“The fight continues. iPhone consumers everywhere deserve basic information about how much things cost when they can take advantage of great deals and promotions, and where to go to buy those things online.

“If the European Commission properly enforces its decision, iPhone consumers could see even more wins, like lower cost payment options and better product experiences in the app.”

The streaming service refers to the March incident where Apple was fined €1.84 billion (almost $2 billion USD) by the European regulator for breaching antitrust rules in the market.

Publishers have reached out to Apple for a comment, but they did not immediately respond.

Featured Image: Via Ideogram

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Sophie Atkinson
Tech Journalist

Sophie Atkinson is a UK-based journalist and content writer, as well as a founder of a content agency which focuses on storytelling through social media marketing. She kicked off her career with a Print Futures Award which champions young talent working in print, paper and publishing. Heading straight into a regional newsroom, after graduating with a BA (Hons) degree in Journalism, Sophie started by working for Reach PLC. Now, with five years experience in journalism and many more in content marketing, Sophie works as a freelance writer and marketer. Her areas of specialty span a wide range, including technology, business,…

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