Samsung Electronics has announced that it has integrated Amazon Prime Music into its Smart TVs. The Company issued an automatic update for its select smart TVs transporting the support for Amazon Prime Music. The update also carried a slew of miscellaneous bug fixes, stability improvements and speed optimizations. The Prime Music application is now available in Austria, Germany, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States. The app is available for all the Smart TVs Samsung has launched since 2015.
Samsung has been beefing up streaming content on its smart TVs. Amazon Prime Video is already available for some time now and the two Companies are collaborating on rolling out HDR10 Plus videos. Samsung also put in Facebook’s video app into its TV line-up in February. Now with the integration of the Prime Music lets Samsung smart TV owners to browse recommendations, playlists, stations, and libraries directly on their TV using Samsung’s One Remote. Amazon Music will also be available on Samsung audio devices such as soundbars and wireless speakers.
We earlier reported on Samsung’s plan to launch its own AI speaker sometime next year. Music content is a big draw for AI speakers and Amazon Prime Music might be the music streaming service we would see in Samsung AI speakers. Samsung is planning to make all its smart appliances feature smart features, such as AI or voice recognition, by 2020. We all hope Samsung’s vision of an AI world becomes a reality by 2020.
What is Amazon Prime Music?
Amazon Prime Music provides ad-free access to curated Prime Playlists and personalized Prime Stations, plus more than a million songs and albums at no additional cost for eligible Amazon Prime members. Prime Music joins free two-day shipping and Prime Video as a benefit available exclusively with your Prime membership. In addition, Amazon now offers access to live English audio streams of Bundesliga matches and conferences. Prime Playlists are handcrafted collections of songs from Amazon’s Prime Music catalogue. You can also mix your music and Prime Music to create your own personal playlists.