Okay that that is a little bit niche when it comes to the headline above but stick with me. First we have to address the fact that whatever development meetings took place at All Parts Connected and tinyBuild – the devs and publishers of All Will Fall, seem to have somehow been based on what would be my perfect game.
I love a city builder and I love proper physics in games. I am cool, oh yes. Marry the two together and say it is coming to Steam later this year and suddenly I am not as excited about Civilization VII as I was 20 minutes ago.
I am also super excited for another of tinyBuild’s incoming titles – Kingmaker – and if they pull these both off they will be joining my fave publishers of the moment, Hooded Horse and Coffee Stain – up on my pedestal.
All Will Fall though, yes, that’s what we are here to talk about, is a city builder based in a world flooded by water where any building you build can fall over, due to physics see – it’s like Jenga in a way, the wrong piece in the wrong place and the whole lot falls down. Watch the video, it’s very clever.
Because of the water situation you can only really build up, which then leads to balance issues and we all not what balance issues cause – all together? That’s right, balance issues cause disasters.
Dominykas Kiauleikis and Danas Matusevičius, who are developing the game, said: “With All Will Fall we want to create a unique blend of physics, simulation and management for fans of city builders and strategy. We want to create an accessible yet deep game that allows you to play with its many systems to push the boundaries. As a Lithuanian studio, we are also happy to put some light on our local indie scene. On behalf of our small, passionate studio, we sincerely hope that All Will Fall will attract the attention of gamers around the world.”
Well it’s got mine chaps. All Will Fall will release at some point in 2025 but there is an Open Playtest you can join on Steam which is running until the end of January, so you can get a sneaky week’s play in if you are quick.
Oh and if you were wondering about the Angry Birds comparison in the title, yu have to admit, when the building collapse it’s easy to think of those pigs getting crushed